Just stuff part 1

Well let’s see…it is the 3rd of September. I could be back in San Diego in two months now; if things go the way the schedule is laid out for us now. I’m not really supposed to say this, but the 12th of November plus or minus three days. I’ll just leave it at that. I will take leave once the ship pulls into Hawaii though…but I know I have said that before. Today has been a real busy day for some reason…and I don’t mind, but I don’t understand that when I lay down, it was like I woke right up…! So I will push myself longer threw the day…then try lying down again. I need to remember that I have another gun shoot that I have to coach tomorrow morning. It won’t be hard…it’s just shot guns. Nothing to hard, but it’s just a matter of being back out in that heat again. I would really like to have first round out the barrels at 0815, but I just don’t think that will happen for me. The safely brief is supposed to be held at 0815…so it’s going to be a bit hard to shoot before the brief. I could pull some rank and have the word passed early to have the people that are suppose to shoot show up at 0800…but we will just have to see what happens in the morning. Right now I don’t even want to think about it…I have enough on my mind right now. First and for most is why the hell can’t I make any phone calls…! I really need to do that right now too. I need to call my mom to see if she will help me pay for some movers…then I need to call the mother in law to see if she has gotten in touch with housing, and my storage lady. I now have to pay to get my stuff moved out of the unit I was living in. The chief that was going to come in and help take care of that backed out, due to the condition of the house. I am of course not to happy about this…but there really isn’t much I can do that out here. But I made a couple calls, and well for 89 dollars an hour I can pay some people to go in and pack the what I want from the house, and then take it to my storage unit. Once they get there, it will be loaded into the unit, and then the stuff from the unit that I am already renting will be moved into the new one that I just got. So when I call the mother in law I will need to find out if she got the paper work done for the new storage unit, and has been in contact with the movers as well as housing to make sure there is a time set up to get into the house to get the stuff out. A lot of shit going on…let me tell you…! I need this done quickly though…so it will get whatever I want out of the house, and then I will no longer be liable for what is done to the unit, if that “so called” breaks in again. As it stands now, if she can still break in the unit and I will be help accountable because my belonging are still there. That is like a bunch of crap if you ask me…I don’t live there any more…so bust her ass if she were to try to break in again. It’s not like she hasn’t been to jail four times already…! And she is back on the street…! Go figure that one out.

It has been a few hours since I started this, the calling of sleep was far to great for me to not listen too. I went and ate some supper and laid down at like 5:10 or so…I slept until 3:00 am. I could have slept more, but I need to pee…and once I got up and got that done, I was thinking to myself…heck might as well stay up now. Three hours till breakfast, time alone, check my e-mail…fun stuff…! So yeah, I did all that. Or am doing that as I write this. I have responded to all the e-mails that I got. I have taken care of some things that I needed to do, I have a cup of coffee at hand and am working on this entry. Good stuff huh…? The one thing I am wondering about now, is an e-mail my mom sent me. She asked my about the saving account I have with my home town bank…and if that “so called” can draw money out of that account. I wrote back to her, “Heck no she doesn’t have any right to that account.” At one time she did, but I had her yanked back off there like back in December of last year. Maybe a little later, I can’t remember. I know I asked my mom to have her taken off the account, and have the statements sent to the house there in Jamestown. I don’t need to know what is going on with that account. All I know is I am paying 300 dollars a month for my Ford wagon, and that bank has the note. I have 310 dollars going there too. Yeah I know…10 dollars a month into a saving account isn’t much…but hey in 10 months you will have a 100 dollars…! Then again I have asked to spend over 12,000 dollars here on the ship in just this week alone. Anyway, it’s all just money. But I don’t have enough of it…soon enough I will though…soon enough.

Not really looking forward to this shot gun shoot today though…I’m just not in the mood to go out there and coach the line…but I have to, so I’ll deal with it. Not much else I can do about it really. Got pretty pissed off when it came to the training that we were suppose to have yesterday morning too. With all the things that were suppose to be going on yesterday afternoon, the time for the training was moved from 1400 to 1000. I have been tasked with giving training to the crew

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You sound like yuor more down then usual….