Just a quick one…

Hello readers…just a quick note to say Hi and let you know I’m still alive. We are in port of a couple days, so I will be able to add some entries, and well snatch some surveys…! That’s always fun…! Anyway, waiting on someone to get his hair cut and then I will be heading out for a while. Nothing really new to talk about though…but that is just the story of my life. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about the people that are mad at me at work…I’m not there to make friends. I am there to do a job…! It’s sad that people don’t understand that consecpt about the Navy. It is a job, not an ass sucking contest.

Anyway…I will write more later. I have duty on Friday, so I’ll lots of time on my hands to write and stuff. Plus there is tomorrow to waste away…! So yeah, take care and come back to read more later.

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couldn’t write anything? wow…just your link to your diary as a note…so touching……

this new set up blow…buttons are changed i am all backwards….that was my note up there