It is Sunday…

You know there is times when you just do things and you don’t want to do them.  Today is my oldest dauthers birthday…she is going to be 5.  She was talking about having her birthday at Chucky Cheese…and well the in laws aren’t really able to take her.  They are “so” broke…my ass…!  Anyway, since Brooke was talking about it so much, I am going to pay “half” with that “thing…”  I am so not looking forward to this…Yeah, I love my kids, but I want nothing to do with her…nothing at all.  Twice today she has called me…once was to ask me to bring a screw driver with me so I can put together the scooter that she got Brooke.  Then she calls me back, to remind me…what does she think I am…?  Stupid or something…?  I guess so.  I have NO reason to call her back…none at all. I don’t even want her calling me, but she does.  I am not about to change my cell phone number though.  I am not going to change what I am doing because of her.  It’s MY number, and I have had that number since I got Sprint service.  That has been…6 years or so.  All I want to do right now is go back to sleep…but I don’t need to do that.  What I need to do is stop my drinking, and let the zoloft I started taking again work for me.  I can hear my mom now…”It’s not good to drink and take an anti-depressant…”  Something else I have to deal with…there is a court hearing tomorrow.  It’s suppose to be over child support payments.  I am getting sued for 859 dollars in support.  There is a good cause finding filed…stating that there is a reunifation plan in place.  With that in place, no child support will be paid out…not by the parents.  That helps me, but that means “her” child support will be stopped too.  “She” is getting sued for 507 dollars a month…not that I care about the newest child, but there is more money to the in laws.  I know they are getting at least 1500 dollars a month from the state for the kids.  I was sending 550…but I stopped when I found out I didn’t have to send them anything.  I will talk with my attorney to see what he thinks about me sending, or not sending them money.  If I do not send them the money, I can save it…pile it up for when I get my kids back.  That and paying for all the things that are wrong with that Mazda I have.  I am going to get a bike though…so I have to pay for training courses…then get a bike…and all the gear that goes with it.  I have a year to make all this happen…since it will be a year before my kids are living with me.  I will be able to see them, but they won’t be living with me…not until I get off the ships, and am on shore duty.  Well a year and 6 months, but who’s counting…!

Anyway…I will try to write more when the 1500 meeting is all said and done…

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