Holy poo poo…!

It is going to snow…Rick is sitting here at home, and writing in his diary…!  He doesn’t do that much…he is more into talking with the people he knows on line, or just reading his notes and leaving notes in other people’s diary.  He is good at that one…some notes are funny…some notes are “smart ass notes” and well there are some other notes that are “Well DUH, stupid…!”  Been a while since I have done that to someone…get into a note war…note wars can be so much fun…!  He,he,he,he….

Well lets see…I went to Wal Mart yesterday…and well I guess that is a popular place for people to get things…I got a DVD/VCR combo, and already two people I know have the same thing I have…and they don’t live anywhere close to me.  Go figure that one..!  I didn’t do is for a reason, but my TV and my “combo” just happen to be the same color…pretty cool if you ask me…!  A nice gray color…I like gray.  Yeap, yeap, yeap…So now…when I watch my Transformers on DVD…no more “skipping” for me…!  Not sure what is going on with this lap top…and since I am not that good when it comes to dealing with computers, I don’t know what to do about it.  The program I was using to watch DVD’s on my lap top was working great, but now it’s not.  I can use “Windows Media Player” and it will work pretty good…still not 100% smooth all the time, like it should be…but the other program I was using, well watching my DVD’s was just to much to deal with…!  Skip…skip…skip…hear something, and then skip…skip…skip…hear something.  I’m sure you get the picture.  Might just go in, and delete the hole program…for whatever reason, it’s an old version of the program too.  Or there is an update out there.  I’m okay with media player though…!  I know how to get on line and update stuff for windows…!  Real simple…click, click on the window’s web page, and it’s update, update…wait, wait, wait…Okay…restart…!  Done.  (Wish it was that simple)

Well Rick shall come back and write more later.  Take care my readers…!


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January 5, 2004

Heh snow. Oh geeze. We’re getting even more snow this afternoon. Heh.

i think i am done 🙁

Sn0w!! yay!! :o)

Snow is always fun….cold but fun haven’t seen snow in awhile here.You should call the tech support for your laptop and tell them what it does when you play DVDs on it, they might be able to help you figure it out…

January 7, 2004

We watch DVDs through the Playstation – it seems to work OK 🙂 RYN: For some reason entries about music always catch people’s interest.

i’m disappointed that you didn’t comment on the entry about my offer to be in a calendar! eeesh slippin!

January 9, 2004

Gnomes are scary, they control the world and try to make life miserable… They steal cd’s socks, etc. They are EVIL. And well, I want to go to school because I’ve been very excited about starting college and now its been postponed due to the weather, which is, obviously, controlled by the gnomes. It all makes sense when you think about it.

i’m not really submitting pics…they are going to take us and take fire related pics of us from what i gathered i’m so excited!!!