Heavy footed people…

It was 0430, I was sleeping and well to get woken up to hearing my window rattle, and the person that lives above me *thump thump thumping* threw the place they have above me. That is so sucky…! Now the question is…will this happen all the time…? Oh I so hope it doesn’t. I did talk to the manager of the complex, and she said she would take a look at the window to see if she could get it to not rattle any more. That would be a better thing for me. I can deal the *thump thump thump* it’s the window that gets me…! I have enough stuff in my head to not have to listen to a window too…! It might start talking to me and then I will have to go do things…blame it on the window. The window was talking to me…it was, I swear it was…!

Anyway, I have yet to see my kids. I will be on the case worker later today…I have a feeling she isn’t going to call me before I call her about getting the summary of my eval over the phone from the “head doctor.” That is what I am waiting on to see my kids…getting that summary in. It will be over the phone because I am not going to wait for 2 to 3 weeks for a written summary. Over the phone is good enough since I have nothing to worry about. I want to see my kids…and I have that right. The case worker needs to get going and well I don’t think she wants my attorny all over her. And I’d call him, yeap, yeap, yeap…! He is the bull dog…he fights the fights for me. That is what he told me…and well that is a good thing. I have to be the good guy and do what I am suppose to do, play the game. Something doesn’t work for me, then I call him. It’s good when people want to help you out…are there so you can talk to them and help you with problems. So even though I haven’t seen my kids, I am making all the steps to get there. Now, I am going to wait and well I’m sure I will be the one calling the case worker…finding out what is going on with me seeing my kids.

Anyway…I’ll write more again soon…

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December 16, 2003

good luck with the window rattling… i hate that.

you need to relax a lil šŸ˜›

December 20, 2003