Hate losing a good buzz…

Well last night was a good night for me, until I got back to the ship. I was talking with lots of people via my yahoo messenger, as well as someone speical on AIM. But yeah after the inter-net cafe closed down I needed to use the bathroom, and then ended up sitting and talking with some people from the ship. It was all good…we were sitting there talking and laughing and having a good time…that’s what it’s all suppose to be about when you are out here. So we left the base to get the bus ride back to the peir…got some drinks (water for me) from the “little” store there on the pier. And we headed on back to the ship. Once I got on board I checked my command e-mail, and well that is when the shit hit the fan. I got an e-mail from housing telling me two things…number one, my cat is now in a shelter. Thank good…! So that is all good. The number two thing I was told really pissed me off because that so called whore bitch ass wife of mine broke into the housing unit that I am getting kicked out, because of her. She was given three days to leave…and she did do that. But I guess she wanted some more things from the house or something…I don’t know. But she broke open the back door somehow…! Thank goodness for the neighbors because they called the people in housing, and they came to the unit, and well she jumped the back fence and took off running. Then the two people that were in the house came out and gave some lame reason why they were there. Of course those two people should have been picked up by the cops…but they weren’t. I swear I like cops, I have a lot of respect for them, but come on…slap some people around, make the rules work for you, not for the ass wipes that think they can do whatever they want…all the time. So right now who knows what is going to happen should that whore bitch ass so called wife shows back up somewhere. I know that should she come back to housing to try to get in the unit again she should get arrested. Married to me or not she broke and entered…! That my friend is a crime no matter what state you live in. And come the 26th that unit will no longer be mine…Then again it was never really mine in the first place. But that is a story for a different time. I just hope that what I asked housing to do will get done. She was driving one of my cars…and when she jumped the fence and ran, she left the car there. So I told the guy that I have been in contact the most with in housing to have the car towed and put into storage somewhere…! She doesn’t need that car anymore. She has no car, she can’t get around…right? Wrong. But she doesn’t need to be using my car to do whatever it is that she is doing. Oh and now that I am talking about my car I have also been getting some information from the CPS case worker…and that is pissing me off even more too. I found out that some checks that I sent the in laws for my kids were cashed on the same day. And one of them was post dated for September. That mother in law had 600 dollars, and the case worker doesn’t care how it is spent…! Come on now, that is bullshit. I have asked the case worker many time that I want proof that the money I am sending is being spent on my kids…and every time she writes me back it’s a flowerie smelling pile of dog shit…! It’s bad enought that I have all the crap to think about with crack whore slut bitch wife…but now I have to think that my money is being wasted on the in laws and not my kids.

Anyway…I am going back to bed…I don’t feel good…and it’s not because I drank last night. I just don’t feel good. Someone shoot me please…! End this crap I am going threw…


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Hey thanks for your note. I hope you feel better soon.

Good on your neighbors. The cops should have arrested her, though.

Man that sucks. Do you get to see your kids at all? Good luck with getting everything sorted out

hey sweetie, im sorry about all of that. i know i already said sorry in the email yesterday. i miss you and well im still waiting for that letter of yours in the mail. i luv ya and missing you too….

hi ..hope alls well with you.. wanna thank you for ur note.. Thnx take care

Hey thanks for your note, I love having pets, I hate it when they die but I guess I just have to be grateful and happy for the fun I had while they were alive. Patch is so cute, he knows when its me coming in as he runs to the nearest side of the cage and then waits for me to come over before he heads to the dorr wanting to come out and play! Bless him he’s lovely!

RYN: I don’t want to let him go. That’s never been my intention or desire in saying any of what I’ve said. I want to be with him. I just have a feeling that’s not what I’m going to get. And that is going to destroy me.

Wow it sounds like your having a rough time not being at home and everything. I hope everything works out with you for the better and things get straightened out. I know id hate to be in your shoes right now. Thanks for the note! TOOTLES

jeez! sounds like your “wife” and my friends “husband” are made from the same mold!