Friday or Saturday Part 2

Anyway…it was a good night for me talking with my best friend. We have known each other since we were 5 years old. Talk about long time friendship. He is the best, let me tell you…sends me porn and everything…! Can’t go wrong with a friend like that. Of course I save it all to my zip disk, and since I don’t have a lap top to view it on, it’s like…why have it…? Well it’s the matter of having it, that’s all. He and I use to bring Penthouse magazines on the school bus when we were back in the school…and once we grew up more and found each other on line…ah hell…then the porn wars were on…! Who could find the nasty picture of the day…! That is when I use to know my ICQ number…now I don’t…but hell yahoo messenger has gotten really good at being able to send files. So who knows, when I get back to San Diego, and am sitting at my lap top, and I will get one…mark my word…! We can sit there and trade porn again via yahoo. What is it about guys and porn…? Then again I shouldn’t be saying things like that, since some people think I have a problem with porn. Part of what is going on with my kids is about porn…and me, and if something was done to them. That just makes me sick to think that though…it really does. But no need to bring that up here and now. Have enough on my mind as it is.

Well I don’t know how much of a limit FOD has for an entry…but you know what, I will go ahead and wrap this up…save it, send it and back it up to my zip disk too…gotta love my zip disk…! I know I do. It has pictures of me on it, pictures of my kids on it, pictures of my friends on it, and well we all know that is where my porn is…Got porn…? I’m just kidding. Oh hey, before I forget this…I want to make a reply to who ever the hell was the person that left the note about the cat. You know what, I don’t care that you can’t sign your notes…I don’t have a problem with that. But what I do have a problem with is you saying “Bad cat” when it should be you saying “Bad owner…!” You fuck stick…the cat was mad at you, and I am glad the cat crapped on your bed. It’s not that hard to feed a cat okay…! I no longer have my cat…I had to call the animal shelter and give her up to them…I am not going be back in San Diego for two and a half months, I can’t afford the bill to keep her in the shelter so she is no longer mine. All my cats are gone…so don’t you ever say bad cat for what they do…! You chose to own it, so TAKE CARE OF IT. AND IF YOU CAN’T, FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL…!

Now I am done…


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Hugs…. from me