Friday and Saturday part 1

Well how should I talk about today…I could make up a bunch of stuff and make it sound like today was a bad day, but really it wasn’t. That was a big surprise too…to think that there was a 9mm pistol shoot this morning. And since I am the Range Safety Officer, I have to be out there at all time to make sure things are done the right way. I am not sure how many people shot, but it was an alright turn out for it. The morning started out cloudy and plenty of wind across the decks to keep it some what bearable out there. I had my drinking pack on my back, so that helped a lot…having all that water ready should I need it. First round was done range at like 8:10…I wanted 8:00, but someone jackass wanted the antennas lowered. It’s like…who the hell is asking for that now…? We have not put them down before. So that added some time to us getting going. Once things were going though, it was rather smooth. Had one shooter that was a little wild with the weapon. Had one of the line coaches changed since he wasn’t watching what was going on. I am one person watching over six shooters. The line coach is suppose to be there watching one or two shooters. They are suppose to see something, and take care of it before I see it. If I see it, then it has gone to far, and I do have the right to remove the person from the line if they keep messing up. It came real close to that this morning. But once I said something to the person that was doing things wrong, he did better with the hole muzzle control. I was outside from 0700 to 1115…or close to that time. Maybe a little more. After a shower and a little bit of lunch I was doing alright…sore from all standing though. Wasn’t really tired, so I put the people that shot into the computer…as shooting today. Sent out a couple e-mails, then I went and laid down in my pit. It was nice to just lay down…I did fall asleep too…! I was sleeping really well too…and then I got woke up…! But it was alright…needed to eat supper anyway. It was really nasty though…so it was like, thanks for waking me up for nothing…! But no the guy that woke me up, he did it for a reason. He was told to, so it’s not his fault. I had already e-mailed my “boss” who hadn’t shot this morning, and those people that did not make the qualifying mark. Well she didn’t read all her e-mails before she sent someone down to wake me up…! But after I ate, I laid back down again…was asleep for a couple hours again. It was nice…but now I am awake. A bit sleepy, but I am doing well. I did get some things taken care of today though. I should hopefully be able to get a bigger storage locker…and once that is done it’s just a matter of having the movers come and get the stuff out of the housing unit, and then pack it in the storage locker. I am really surprised that it could cost my 712 dollars to get my shit moved though. That breaks down to 89 dollars an hour, and 8 hours of work…! Holy shit that is costly…and I have to pay it out of my pocket. That isn’t good…let me tell you. But there isn’t much else I can do since I have nothing…nothing at all here on the ship. I need the stuff in the kitchen for when I get a place of my own. I will need to go threw the clothes that get bagged, or boxed up since I have almost nothing here on the ship. It would have been nice had the person in the Navy would have taken care of this for me, but he backed out because he told me the place is just to much of a mess to deal with. And now that the house has been hit up with a bug bomb for the fleas, he says it’s even worse of a hazard. Well I tell you what…wear gloves…wash your hands, and work quickly. It will all be over with soon enough…! Of course it doesn’t work that way I know…but still…if I was there, and was asked to do the same thing, I would go back in there, and I would help a ship mate out. I’m sorry, but knowing that someone is going to lose out on 700 dollars to pack stuff out and move it…that isn’t small change to some people…not to me it isn’t. Yeah, getting the bigger storage unit is a good thing…getting someone to come pack up and move is a good thing, but the price…that is the one thing I don’t like. But there isn’t anything I can do about that. I am here…they are there, and it’s something I have to deal with. Anyone got 700 dollars I can borrow…? And to top it all off, of course there is still no word as to when we will be back in San Diego….! There is a nasty rumor going around that we are going to go sit off the coast of North Korea here soon…but I am like, “Ah no, we aren’t going because there isn’t anyone else here in the gulf…!” Hello stupid, that isn’t going to happen for a while. We won’t leave here until the “Big E” gets here to take station. That won’t be for another three weeks or so. Three and a half…that works. Then there is the big question as to what, if any ports we might hit on the back to San Diego. I say we just say fuck the port visits, and head home. I don’t care if we “deserve” them or not…we need to get back to San Diego. For the past 9 months we have been getting our chains ganked around because of all this “we have no idea when we are going to deploy” bull crap. And now that we are out here, it’s like…come on, you know when we are going to be back in the states, tell us and knock off the damn games. Yeah I know it’s the military, but you know what, we are humans too. I feel for those people on the ground up there in Iraq I really do…but you know what, it’s no better out here on the damn water…!

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Gotta love military life….