Duty on HUMP day…

Well it is by far one of my most liked days of the week…and I’m stuck on duty…!  I don’t know if I have said the reason why I like Wednesday so much, but there is a place out in San Diego that has great food, and really cold beer…on Wednesday’s I get my food half price, and well I make it a point to go there and eat when I can.  It costs me more in beer than it does in food…now that is funny huh…?  I don’t always go there to drink though, so don’t think I am so huge drunk sailor.  Besides, I really have to watch that drinking.  Some people think I have this out of control drinking and drug problem…so it’s like, well…NO…!  I wouldn’t be in the Navy if I had a drug problem, and when it comes to my drinking, there is nothing wrong with the way I drink.  I don’t get shit faced drunk every night, I don’t come to work hung over, I haven’t gotten arrested for my drinking, lets see…I haven’t blacked out because of my drinking…but of course when it comes to the mother in law and that person I am married to, I’m the worlds biggest drunk…!  Anyway…!  Not really sure what is going to be done about that one, but in time it will be sorted out.  I have to get threw with the “head doctor” and then the hearing that is going to be held Friday morning.  Not sure what is going to happen there…and I’m just a bit worried.  I have been back for a month, and haven’t seen my kids yet.  I think it’s time for that to happen…and well that damn case worker…she has problems with me seeing my kids.  Well who the hell is she…?  Really now…she had time to get all this figured out.  What did she do though…?  Nothing, or at least that is what I looks like to me.  When someone is gone for two weeks, and hears nothing at all from the case worker…and when I get back and ask to see my kids, she comes up with some excuses for me not seeing them, that she needs to set up the special hearing and all that…BULLSHIT…!  There was time to do this while I was gone.  I have been talking with a friend, and she thinks that the case workers is “mad” that I am not going away, that I am going after this, that I am wanting my kids…that I am not going to just pay the child support and walk away from those kids.  She is out of her mind if she really thinks I am going to do that…those kids are my life…everything I have been doing is for them.  And she has no right to tell me that I am not going to see my kids.  She can make it so I have to be watched, but she isn’t going to keep me from my kids.  Once I get to see them, I am going to see them at least once a week…if not more.  I want that made very clean.  I think once I get done with this I will open a new e-mail to her and write her, letting her know that once this hearing is done on Friday that I will see my kids at least once a week…the more the better…How else am I suppose to work with the case plan…?  I can’t show that I have a good repore with my kid if I don’t see them.  Gee…bet she didn’t see this one coming…!  I just have to be real careful how I say things to her.  I have this gut feeling that she is taking everything I say and going right to the mother in law…that mother in law isn’t a very nice person.  But I have said that before too…

Anyway…I’ll try to hack out something new later on…we’ll see…Laters…!

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December 12, 2003