Another Update part 1

Okay I want to take a few minutes and talk about a few things going on out here with me.  We got underway from Bahrain Saturday morning…the thing is, by the time I got to a computer the T-1 line we had was already removed from the ship.  So I couldn’t write one more entry in my dairy, nor check my notes one last time.  The after we got underway there was a problem with e-mail and for most of Saturday we couldn’t get on any of the computers…and that drug on into Sunday.  It’s funny how many e-mails get sent to this ship in a day, and when the system isn’t up for two days there is a pretty big back up of mail.  Of course there was some of the e-mail that was to me…so it’s all good.  Anyway, after making it threw a week-end here on the ship it’s back to Monday.  Well it’s Monday after-noon.  So I could pretty much say this day is done.  We got fuel and stores today…more food…!  That’s always a good thing for us to have.  There is still no word about what we are going to be doing on the trip back to San Diego.  We are suppose to leave here in 5 days…and we don’t know what ports we could hit.  Talk about a JOKE…!  Then again this hole deployment has been a joke on this ship.  I tell you one thing…had I really been able to see what this ship is like I wouldn’t have come here.  No way in hell would I have done it.  But that is over with, and well I just have to move on and deal with things.  That is one thing I am trying my best to do…deal with things.  Because while we were in Bahrain a couple e-mails were sent to the ship…in regards to me.  One of them was sent to me, and the other one was sent to the Command Master Chief.  It seems someone is staying somewhere on a base, and eating at that galley, and they want me to pay for her meals…!  But that’s not all of it, because on the 26th of September that “so called” of mine went and got a check for 226.80 for food from Navy Relief, and they want me to pay that back too…!  I am getting so sick of this crap she is getting away with.  The best is yet to come though…because the e-mail the Command Master Chief got stated that I am in some kind of disciplinary action that will result in brig time…!  When I read that my jaw hit the floor, and I was like…what the fuck is this shit…?  The Master Chief said the same thing…so whatever trouble I am in, it’s news to the command.  I showed the e-mail to my division officer, and then my department head and either one of them had heard anything about this e-mail.  Will have to say something to the Master Chief about that one…but it’s just a small thing to me.  I so need to get the hell off this ship and back into San Diego where I can start doing what I need to do to get the hell rid of that life sucking parasite…!  So lets see…I know that “so called” is staying somewhere on the Sub Base and eating at the galley there.  What did she do with the 226.80 dollars…?  My first guess would be drugs…!  I don’t care if she is staying at a possible treatment center.  She isn’t going to stay clean if she is given the means to move around San Diego, and can get money.  That is just the way she is…Everyone talks about the person having to hit rock bottom.  Well you know what, I don’t know what her rock bottom is, and I really don’t care what it is, because I am just so sick and threw with all this crap.  Never have I heard of another person going threw this shit that I am going threw…!  And I have talked to a lot of different people in my time.  A person can hear many different stories if you just open your ears and listen…that’s all it takes, you have to listen.  Well you know what, she can listen as my boot kicks her nasty damn ass the hell out of my life…! 



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September 30, 2003

good god she has some big balls!! *picks jaw up off floor* i.. she makes me speechless!.. reading on…