another survey

Snuck away from *Midnight Breeze*

1. Are you an innie or an outie? I am an innie

2. Have you ever worn bell-bottoms? Yes, and still do with some uniforms that we have here in the Navy.

3. Have you ever written a song? Nope

4. Can you make change for a dollar right now? Nope

5. Have you ever been in the opposite sex’s bathroom? Yeap

6. Have you ever smelled your own feet? Yes I can if I want to.

7. Do you like ketchup on or beside your French fries? On the side from time to time.

8. Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Nope

9. Have you ever been a Boy/Girl scout? Nope

10. Have you ever broken a mirror? Yeap

11. Have you ever put your tongue on a frozen pole? Yes, and there is a trick to doing that too…

12. Do you slurp your drink after its gone? If I feel like it I do.

13. Have you ever blown bubbles in your milk? Yes I have do that too

14. Would you rather eat a Big Mac or a Whopper? I would kill for a Double Whopper with cheese, extra pickles and NO mayo.

15. Have you ever gone skinny-dipping? Yeap

16. Would you rather eat steak than pizza? I enjoy both of them.

17. Did you have a baby blanket? Yes I do

18. Have you ever tried to cut your own hair? I don’t think I have

19. Have you ever sleepwalked? Nope

20. Have you ever had a birthday party at McDonalds? Nope

21. Can you flip your eyelids inside out? I wish I could…that is so cool

22. Are you double-jointed? Nope

23. If you could be any age, what would you be? 23

24. Have you ever gotten gum stuck in your hair? I don’t think so

25. Have you ever thrown up after a roller coaster ride? Nope

26. What is your dream car? I don’t have one…

27. Do you have any unusual allergies? I sneeze when I eat to much chocolate.

28. Would you go swimming in shallow waters where, one year earlier, a shark had attacked a child? Sure…why not.

29. How many cavities do you have? I have one…maybe.

30. Have you ever eaten a dog biscuit? Nope

31. If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first? Roll down the window.

32. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes I have

33. Can you pick things up with your toes? Yeap

34. How many remote controls do you have in your house? None now.

35. Has a pen ever exploded in your mouth? Nope

36. How many times have you flown in an airplane in the last year? Once

37. How many foreign countries have you visited? Far to many to count. I can get back to this later…

38. If you were out of shape, would you compete in a triathlon if you were somehow guaranteed to win a big, gaudy medal? Nope

39. Would you rather be rich and unhappy, or poor and happy? I am poor, and I am no where close to happy…but I don’t know if I would be happy being rich either. As long as I am without my kids, I am going to be sad.

40. If you fell into quicksand, would you try to swim or try to float? You float…duh…!

41. Have you ever had a concussion? Yes I have

42. Do you ask for directions when you are lost? Yeap

43. Have you ever had a Mexican jumping bean? I have seen them.

44. Are you more like Cinderella or Alice in Wonderland? I’m neither.

45. Would you rather have an ant farm with no ants or a box of crayons with broken points? It’s no fun having an ant farm with no ants. Damn that is silly…so I would take the crayons because you can work around broken tips.

46. Do you prefer light or dark bread? Wheat bread please…

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lol what up with the surveys like EVERYONE is doing them!!!hehehe im origanal and dont.hmmmm maybe i will do one….