9/9/03 Okay

Okay, it is the ninth day of September. Do you know what that means…? It means this ship has been away from San Diego for over seven months, and we still have some 60 days to go until we are even close to thinking about flying into San Diego. Yes…I am leaving this ship in Hawaii. It won’t be a leave period I will enjoy, but it will be leave I have to take…leave I need to take. For the past couple of days I have just been really on edge. Things here on the ship are going the same as always…we have no clue what will happen from day to day. We sit here and operate in our assigned operational box area. Most of the time it doesn’t even feel like we are moving, because we aren’t. I know I have said something about that before…we kind of like hover in one spot. We don’t use much fuel that way, I will tell you that is for sure. I am stuck being the Petty Office in Charge all week long for berthing cleaners this week too. That is 2 and a half hours of pure joy…NOT…! Then again we all live down there, so it’s only right that we all take turns cleaning, or being in charge of the cleaners. I don’t mind being in charge…because I have done the same thing before. I have been the one that has to clean the showers or wipe down the toilets. Take the old shower curtains down and put up new ones…or even just scrubbing the curtains. I have noticed one thing about this ship…this water is way hard water…! It’s just hard to explain…but the water, it leaves a green stain on everything. The curtains, the shower mats, the floor…you don’t see that when you are living in a house, or an apartment. Well not now you don’t. I don’t know what kind of stuff is added to the water on this ship, but let me tell you it’s enough to make a person wonder sometimes. Anyway, I am one of those people that won’t have you do anything I won’t do, or haven’t done already. So when it comes to berthing cleaners, it’s pretty simple…make it clean, and make it look good. Simple enough. Today the crew I had did a very good job, and well I even enjoyed being down there. I woke up this morning in a very foul mood…and I didn’t know how this day would go. I still don’t know how this day will go for me, even if it’s 6:30 in the evening. Still to many hours to go till the next day. I could just go get in my rack and sleep for a while. Have thought about that…and I have done that from time to time. I need to shower though. Like everyone wanted to know that one. At least I do my best to keep myself clean and from not smelling. There are some people that just don’t care about what they smell like or how dirty they are. Yes, there is a time and a place to be dirty and sweaty and all that…working outside is one of them. While in the mess line, or going to sleep in your pit is not a place to be either dirty or sweaty. Yet it happens…of course there is ways to take care of people like that. But you would think that at hitting the age of an “adult” by law, you would be able to shower and use soap with out having to be watched. Then put on clean socks and some deodorant, a clean tee shirt and a clean uniform. I have never had to do this to anyone, but there is always someone on a ship like that. You have to watch them, and baby them, and tell them to shower daily. I will admit it, I don’t shower every day. I don’t do enough to need a shower every day. If I was still able to run, then yes I would shower but I can not run for a while longer. Something is still going on with my hip. It’s in my right hip more than my left one, but still…what ever is going on, I don’t like it, it hurts and well it’s pissing me the hell off. We have those machines that make give you the motion of running, but no impact to the legs…I could try one of those. I have thought about it…just to see how it would feel. But damnit, I want to run…to act like I am running. I like the tread mills…I go with the hill program. Start off at 6.5 mile per hour…at an incline of 3. I was going for 30 minutes but when my hips did what they did to me, I was told no more than 15 minutes…! So maybe I should look into that thing, and see if that can help shake some of this mood off me. Not likely…but who knows. Just need to get drunk enough to forget the world I know. As the tears roll down…it’s the world I know. I stand upon high and laugh at myself, as the world goes by…or something like that. I still remember trying to figure out what that song was from the first deployment I did way back in 1991. I so love that song…I need to get all my Collective Soul CD’s replaced. Then again I have to get a lot of new CD’s. Like all the CREED CD’s, I need to get my Def Leopard ones too. It’s not the fact that I have to start over that upsets me…starting over will be a good thing for me. What upsets me is the fact that there were things that I had that are most likely gone that I have had for more years than I have been in the Navy. And my CD’s are some of those things that I am talking about. My tools that are now gone…I have had those for years. Not as many as 13, but still…for a while, 11 or so years. Just knowing that people don’t care about anything else but themselves and what they have to have. Be it drugs, or whatever it was…or is. The biggest mistake in my life that I made was letting that so called stay in that house while I left on this deployment. I should have kicked that slug out a long time ago and not let her back. Yeah, yeah hind sight is always 20/20. Bite me, and then kick your own ass…I have done enough of that to myself. I just wish I could get my Neon reported as stolen…the in laws have my other car, so once that is working they can take all the kids out together. That is a good thing…well they can go out legally. 5 people in a S-10 truck just isn’t right…even if they get it to work.

Well I will come back and write more later…the think tank it done now. Well not really done, just not in the mood to write any more. Rick

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