
I just want people to know that I am alive.  Yes, I know it has been a while since I wrote here…I tent to go for periods of time where I don’t write, then I write, and don’t write…so on and so forth.  I am sitting here on the ship right now.  We are in port as well…happen to be in Everett Washington though.  We still have another 10 days before we are back in San Diego.  We leave here in the morning, and head down to Portland, Or.  The ship is not going to be in Portland though until the 8th.  We are doing some over night thing in some town right at the mouth of the river we have to travel down.  That is the 7th though…so who knows what we are going to be doing from the time we pull out tomorrow until we are in on the afternoon of the 7th.  The stop in Portland will be nice….or so I hope, since we going to be there for the Rose Festival.  The first time I have done that…so yeah, we’ll see.

Anyway, this is going to take a few times for me to write about this one, but for those of you that have been in contact with me for a while, there has been someone that has been trying to get in touch with the people I have talked to in the past.  Since I have been dating Jane, and now that I asked her to marry me, this person has gone to a lot of means to dig up whatever dirt they can on who I have talked to, and what we have talked about.  The thing is, the ship did stop over in a port of call in Canada.  When that happened, I got two different e-mails from this person.  One was a mass mailing to people asking for info, and "who can we stop Rick…" e-mail.  In this e-mail, this person told us that her name is Susan, and that I was with her for the past year as well.  Well…the only Susan I have know, has been dead for a year, and I have been with Jane since November…so yeah, go figure.  I did get an e-mail all to my own as well…and in this e-mail, this person wanted me to know that they would leave me alone if I were to guess who they were, and tell them how much they mean to me.  Okay…if I do not know your name, I am not going to be able to tell you how I feel about you…it is that simple.  The other thing was, that if I did not do this by 8 pm Sunday, and this e-mail came in at sometime Saturday night…I did not write them back, and I am not going to write them back.  I have no heard anything more from them.  One more thing I did though, I did ask Jane if she was doing this…it surprised her that I asked her this, but I needed to ask.  Far to many things were just wierd for what I told her, and then what was happening with the e-mails I was getting from this person.  I will come back and tell more about what I am talking about though…I am going to go lay down and read.  I should sleep, but I took a nap, so it’s going to be a while for me to far asleep.

I’ll write more soon…or so we hope.

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Glad to see you write again…sorry that it had to be to warn people…