
2722. Let’s say that after you die you become a spirit and you join all the other spirits. Not all of them have lived. You are talking to some who have never lived about how you HAVE lived. One of the spirits who has never lived says they think they will travel to earth in a human body soon and live. They ask you what three things on Earth should I be sure not to miss? You say….

1. Sex

2. Love

3. And a family

2723. What kind of ass is the sexiest (flat, round, tight, hard, meaty, juicy, small, big, stacked, packed, petite, barely there, curvy, muscular, etc.)? When it comes to the ass of a female, I have to look at the hole person to say what kind of ass would look best on her. But a nice tight one will do fine all the time…!

2724. Is there something beautiful and special about everyone? I hope so

If yes is there something beautiful and special about Hitler? He was a smart man

How about Bin Laden? He will look good dead.

2725. Have you ever moshed? Nope

If yes to what bands?

If no then would you ever? I don’t think so

2726. Do you like sushi? Nope

2727. What mood are you in? A calm mood

What does your mood depend on? The day I have, and how I wake up in the morning.

What depends on your mood? COFFEE

2728. What is faith? Something we all should have.

What is common sense? A factor that people need to get by in life, but not enough people have it to know how to use it the right way.

Do you have either or both of them? I have both

2729. Is perfection or imperfection more beautiful? Both

2730. Would you think a person doing the following things has a healthy or unhealthy level of insanity…

gives the finger while driving? Healthy

tells their life story to people they just met? unhealthy

walks up to people and tried to convert them to a religion? Healthy, since that is just who they are…

says blah? Works for me…!

2731. Do you think this is a great line of poetry:

“Journey with me into the mind of a maniac. Doomed to be a killer since I came out the nut sac”

Why or why not? Great…not really, but I just don’t think coming out a nut sac will doom someone to being a killer.

2732. Do you think that song lyrics are poems with music? Nope

2733. In cases of rape which do you think is more of a crime:

a stranger rapes a girl


a girl’s boyfriend rapes her?

They are both crimes, and no matter who the person is, they should be punished and serve time in jail for the crime of rape.

2734. Did you know that in the USA it is considered to be LESS of a crime if a rapist knows the victim (because it is ‘less of a crime’ the rapist gets a less severe punishment)? I think I heard something about that, but that is a line of bull shit, since rape is rape if she knows the person or not.

2735. In the USA a few weeks ago a guy had beaten up and raped his girlfriend, for which he got 70 days of community service. He had been found guilty, got a year and a half of jail, BUT can you guess why his sentence was reduced to mere community service?

He had a steady job. That’s right. He was found less guilty, because he had a long-term steady job.

How does this make you feel? He had a good lawyer that made him look good…rape or not. It’s not right, but he will get his someday.

2736. Does the character limit of notes or entries annoy you more? Nah, I’ll just leave many notes

2737. Who’s your favorite wrestler? Don’t have one…

2738. Have you ever been trapped in an elevator? Nope

2739. What is more important, tact or honesty? Honesty is

2740. Do you have a mentor? Who? Nope

2741. If you like guys:

would you rather have a ‘bad’ guy (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a ‘good’ guy (family, domesticated, nice guy)?

Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced guy?

If you like girls:

Would you rather have a virgin or a more experienced girl? I’ll take one of each…!

Would you rather have a ‘bad’ girl (motorcycles, smokes, drinks, etc) or a ‘good’ girl (family, domesticated, nice girl)? I want someone that will be with me, and loves me for who I am, and I can love her for who she is. There is no “good” girl, “bad” girl thing to think about…

2742. Do you feel nervous in crowds? Nope

2743. Did you write a real entry today? Nope

What about?

Was it your best writing? When I argue with myself.

2744. If you were making a ‘best of’ entry about your BEST entries ever what would be your top 5 best entries? I would have to go back and read my stuff again to do that. Maybe some day I can do that…

2745. Do you like to play the lottery? Some times I will

2746. Guess what? Who…

2747. Why did you choose to live one more day? I didn’t, God let me live one more day.

2748. What is the most beautiful myth you have ever read/heard? None of them…

2749. Have you ever been stood up? Yeap

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