
2403. Can you lick your elbow? Nope

Come on, did ya try? It can not be done my friend.

2404. If I was going to be talking to you for 10 minutes, what would be something really inter-resting you know a little bit about but would like to know more? I would just want to talk, and see where it went from there.

2405. If today was a holiday, what would it be? My holiday

2406. If you were making a mix tape what would you HAVE to have one it? I guess you are talking about music…and well I would have different songs that I like, that I would want a friend to have. So they know what I like, and well songs that will have them think of me while they listen to the tape.

2407. What do you think of the Sopranos? It’s a show on HBO

2408. Can you name three good things about the society you live in? Nope

How about three bad things? People are mean, people are snobs and people are just after someone else’s dollars.

2409. Have you ever had a crush on your teacher? Nope

How about your boss? Nope

2410. What is the difference between acting like someone in high school and acting like an adult? Attitude

2411. What is the difference between a whopper and a whopper jr? The size of the hole darn burger.

2413. Do you like:

Moby? Nope

Run DMC? Nope

the Cure? Some is okay

Shakira? She is alright

Blink182? Yeah

the Pet Shop Boys? Nope

Weezer? They can go away…

Red Hot Chilli Peppers? They can go away too.

Nick cave? Never heard of him

The Pixies? Heard of them, not sure I have listened to them

KRS-One? Who…?

Nirvana? Glad that drug head is dead, now if the music would go away too.

The Juice Crew? Never heard of them either.

2414. Have you ever seen a movie in 3D? Nope

2415. How difficult do you think it is for immigrants to come into your country? It isn’t hard for them to get here.

How difficult is it for them to become citizens? Harder than what it use to be I am sure of that.

2416. Do you have what it takes to go live in another country, maybe for years, where you don’t speak the language as your first language? Yes, I have what it takes, and your right, you should know how speak the language before you go live there.

2418. Have you ever died in your dreams? I don’t think so. Have gotten hurt, but I don’t think I have died.

2419. Do you like Who are these people…? Tell me that, and I will tell you if I like them or not.

Douglas Adams?

Kurt Vonnegut?

Tom Robbins?

Philip K Dick?

Orson Scott Card?

2420. What clothing size are you? The size that fits. 30/30 pants, medium shirt.

What size do you wish you were? I am the size I am suppose to be.

Did you know that Marilyn Monroe was a size 12(and lots og people think she’s HOT)? I did not know that, and well she was a good looking female.

2421. Does science leave room for faith? Yes it does…

Does faith leave room for science? Yes it does as well…

2422. What book should our political leaders read and why? I don’t know what he needs to read, and well who am I to tell them what to read…?

2423. Why and under what circumstances are people more likely to buy brand names rather then their generic counterparts? When pressured by their piers.

2424. What is your favorite glass object? Windshields in my car

2425. Do you like to window shop? Nope

2426. Have you ever loved someone so much it just turned to hate? Nope

2427. What is arrogance? By Webster’s: Over convinced of one’s own importance; Over convinced of one’s own superiority and importance.

2428. Are you more liberal or conservative? Liberal

2429. When there is a presidential election in the USA why do we never hear anything about the third party candidates? Because they never get enough votes to count, but Bob Dole got fucked because of a third party candidate.

Do you even know who they were last time? Yeah, that big ear fucker from Texas that messed the hole thing up for Bob Dole.

2430. Are you more likely to buy one really nice expensive outfit or a couple of cheap outfits? Cheap outfits. Don’t like expensive clothes. I’ll tear it up faster that way. Just the way I am in my life.

2431. If you could, would you wear everything once, throw it out and buy something new? Nope…if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t buy it…! Duh

2432. Do you believe that people have a responsibility to be:

good to other people? Yes we do

good at their job? Yes they do, but that doesn’t happen enough now days.

helpful to the earth(not litter, recycle)? Yes we all should

aware consumers(not buy animal tested products, not buy products that were made in sweatshops, etc)? Just what is a sweatshop, and are you going to test products for the consumer…? The animals are not hurt stupid.

non-wasteful (not spend their money frivolously when they could save it to help others)? Who is going to save their money to help others…? Not in this life time.

charitable (donating money, volunteering)? I try to do my part, but others could do theirs as well

Which of the above are you? I try my best to do all of them

2433. How do you feel about the internet? I LIKE IT…!

Should there be laws and censorship on the internet? No

2434. Can you think of any questions that aren’t already on this survey? Not yet, but as I said before if I think of anything, I’ll put it on the end and make it more than 5000.

2435. Does sleep seem like a little death to you? No it’s a lot like life starting over again.

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