
2378. I have to know…what is the difference between the potty and the loo (I always thought that potty was a common nickname for toilet…and I thought that loo was the same thing)? Got me on that one…sorry.

Also, what are fingerboards? That has to do with house trimming I believe.

AND what is with ‘skirts you can’t see’? Again house trimming stuff, ask Bob…!

If you can’t see them then are you allowed to wear them in school? No, but that would be nice…!

One more thing. What does it mean when someone is ‘just wet’? He,he,he,he…me and my dirty mind.

2379. Have you ever experienced culture shock? Yes I have…go to some third world country and you will know what it is like too.

2380. In one half hour from when I type this it will be the anniversary of 9/11. Imagine you were trapped in one of those burning buildings or on a hijacked airplane. Maybe you are lucky enough to have a cell phone with you. Who would you call and what would you say to them in those last few minutes? You know what, I would have stood the hell up to the third world slug fucks and fought the hell back. No way would I be held at by some ass wipe with a box cutter.

The people in that building were not aware that terror would strike on such an average seeming day. Anything can happen. Maybe you should tell people how you really feel now…just in case….The people I know, know that I love them. I don’t need to write it here for them to know that.

2381. Do you ever go to school or work when you feel like you do not look your best? I have no best to look forward to. So it really doesn’t matter.

Does doing this effect your whole day? Nope

2382. What makes someone a patriot? Support of your nation, pride in what your country does for you, and what you can do for your country.

Do patriots agree with everything their government says? Nope

2383. What’s the most interesting object in the room with you? Nothing is inter-resting about this ship. It’s just a ship

2384. Do you believe that everyone who doesn’t believe in your religion is going to hell? Nope

2385. What is the best thing about winter? SNOW

2386. Would you ever shovel your neighbor’s walk to be nice? Yes I would, and yes I have.

2387. If you don’t say what you are thinking isn’t that a form of lying because you aren’t showing your true self? No it is not lying.

2388. Have you ever looked back at someone you loved and wondered ‘what attracted me to THEM?’ Yes I have

2389. What do you think of Drew Barrymore? She is an actress.

2390. Is there anything you don’t do? Yeap

2391. Do you think people see you who you are or what you are? I am sure there is people that do both of them.

2392. Is this survey getting outrageous? I thought that at question 10, but I haven’t stopped yet.

Truly, truly, truly outrageous? Nah, it’s not that bad.

2393. Pick 3 random letters: z u p

Now think of the first 3 things that pops into your head that starts with each letter. Zit unicorn popcorn

2394. Do you dress more revealing or more cover up? I have nothing to reveal, nor nothing to cover up

a) If you dress more revealing why do you choose to dress like that? I don’t dress to reveal

b) If you dress more cover up what do you think of people that are more revealing? Hey they can dress however they want to. It’s a free nation

2395. What does it take to be a ‘real gentleman’? Many good qualities that most males lack these days.

2396. Where would you go if you were going somewhere you don’t usually go? I guess I would go somewhere with a friend, if they wanted to take me somewhere.

Who would you talk to someone you don’t usually talk to? I don’t mind who I talk to already.

What would you read a book that you wouldn’t usually read? Sure, why not. Can’t tell if I would like it, if I never try it.

Why don’t you try doing SOMETHING unusual for you, just to see what comes of it? Well I have, and sometimes it turns out okay, and other times it doesn’t.

2397. On the one year sept 11th anniversary, the new york lottery’s winning numbers were 9,1 and 1.. Do you believe this is fate, coincidence or a conspiracy/plan? It’s just the way it turns out.

2398. Did you know there is a lie in the middle of the word believe? Yeap

2399. When (and if) people (or animals) go to heaven…Are they issued a harp and a halo? In other words…do they become angels? Heck if I know.

2400. What is your most important body part? My eyes and my hands.

2401. Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere? It comes from you.

2402. Have you ever given a shot? Nope

If not, do you think you could give one to a loved one if you HAD to? Yes

Do you think you could give one to yourself? I don’t know

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