
Well you got it…I have duty again…!  It seems that on duty is the only time I come here to write.  I read my notes, or other peoples’ notes, and the updates when I am home, but I don’t write.  Guess I need to keep the instant messengers off for a while so I can write huh…?  Well that wouldn’t work either, becaue I would turn them on…at least my yahoo I would.  Stay invisible and just wait…see who comes, or goes.  Well I did make it to the movies yesterday.  I saw “The Return of The King.”  A VERY good movie.  Didn’t know I could sit still for three hours, but I did.  The last 20 minutes drug on a bit, but that is only due to me having to pee, and well the action was done…who needs the drama once the action is all said and done…!!  I was very impressed about the hole show though.  One thing I would have done though…that army of the dead…oh hell, I would have turned them to the Black Gate and wiped EVERYTHING OUT…!  Leave nothing alive so that last stand would not have been like it was.  Of course that would have taken the hole point out of the last stand…I guess…plus it most likely wasn’t part of the story line in the book.  I will have to get the first book, and whatever book(s) is after the second one.  Yeah, I have the second book…but nothing else.  Pretty silly, but that’s life for me.  No, life is not silly for me…life stinks right now for me.  My mood is foul, my smile is far and between…and lets not even talk about sleep…for when I do it’s more than I need, and when I don’t it makes me even fouler than I was before.  The 16th won’t get here fast enough…let me tell you…!  Something tells me I have a court appacance on the 16th too…but I can’t remember.  I will do some looking when I get home tomorrow and see if I can find the paper work from the court, and if I can’t find that, I will call Dale and see what he has to say.  I do not want to miss that appointment on the 16th, but being at the hearing, if it is that morning is more important.  If I do have a hearing on the 16th, is my one month review from SARMS.  That is the substance and alchol recovery managment (misspelled) system…since I am a drunk, and drug user…!  It’s been well over three weeks now since I have had a drink of anything with alchol in it.  In the mood I am in now, I’m thinking it’s a good thing that I am not suppose to drink.  I don’t need to be any more foul than I already am…and well that is what drinking can do to me.  I wonder if we are going to go back into six section duty after the 8th…so that was a ramdom thought.  I was thinking something else…and well that is still a week away.  No way I will have duty on the 16th should we still be in 3 sections.  I will have duty on the 15th.  Even worse…but not really.  I will have less of a drive to get to the medical center should we still be in 3 sections.  And then it will be zip zip to the court, for the hearing, should it be on the 16th.  And I am sure it is, since it is on a Friday.  It isn’t the 9th, because that wouldn’t be a month from being in the “program” I am in now.  And people wonder why I write everything down…!  I write it down so I don’t sit here and try to pick what is left of my brain with matters of what is going on this date, this time, this place.  Geesshh…got enough to worry about as it is…!  And then some.

I have two watches today…the 12-17, and then the 02-07.  Both are in CSMC, so I get to sit and well I will be watching my Transformes on DVD for the first watch.  Not sure what I will do for the second watch.  The COWBOYS play later on today…so when I get off watch I will watch them play.  Once that game is done, it is nap time for Rick…not going to stand the 02-07 without getting a nap in today…nope, nope, nope…thinking about goint to Wal Mart once I get off the ship tomorrow too.  Get some of those nice plastic tubs…they are on “sale” now, and heck I could use some.  Not really for my apartment, but for my storage unit.  Get that stuff re-sorted, and make some head way on dealing with the mess that is in there.  Now that I have a place to stay I have been able to get things out of there that I want in my place.  Have room to move around at least.  So that is a good thing…I do know, that if I was to make a storage place that people rented, I don’t care what it would take but I would put a light in all the units.  It is a pain in the ass trying to see what is in the bottom of a box when there is no light in the unit…and the lights in the hall aren’t all that bright either.  I would take my drop light with me, but that is gone.  All my tools are gone…but I will work on getting things like that back.  I am working on getting DVD’s right now.  Funny how many of them I have gotten already.  I got three more yesterday…the first and second “Matix” movies…and one of the “Next Generation” Star Trek movies.  The one movie I really want, and have to come across it…”The World is Not Enough….”  I so LOVE that theme song…you have no idea how much I like that song…!  Okay, so it’s just a song, but still….it’s just that good.  At least to me it is.  Oh, you don’t think so huh…?  No, I don’t.  Well who asked you…?  No one did, so just shut the hell up.  Your telling me to shut the hell up…?  Yes, I am telling you to shut the hell up.  Oh, no you just didn’t tell me to shut the hell up.  YES, I did just tell you TO SHUT THE HELL UP…and do it…!  You going to make me do it…?  YES I will make you shut up.  HA…there is no way you can make me do that.  Yes there is…How can you make me shut up…?  I’ll put my foot in your damn mouth…that will shut you up…!  Oh I’m scared…  Oh grow up…!  No, you grow up first…  OKAY…the both of you…stop it.  Enough is enough…and I have had enough.  So end it…NOW.  Yes sir…

Yeah…okay, laters…

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wow this is long. i didn’t read it all, i just wanted to thank you for your note. =)

January 4, 2004

Well, Happy New Year to you, too! I am glad to read another good review of Return of the King – It costs more than $20 a person to see a movie here, and I hate to waste the yen 🙂