
So I’m [finally] starting to write my second manuscript. So what does that mean? More procrastination by writing here! 

Although writing this one is a lot easier since I have a much firmer grasp on what I’m writing about, I still generally put everything off. It seems that any time I have to shuffle through the papers on my desk to verify what I want to say, I wind up minimizing word and finding some sort of amusement on the internet. But it’s definitely nice being able to comfortably think about what I’m working on. I can almost comfortably explain it, too. Yay for maturation.

Yesterday was Greg’s birthday. I made him his favorite jalapeno chicken (bacon wrapped chicken stuffed with half a jalapeno and cheese). I even added some extra jack cheese in addition to the cream cheese in the peppers, and used a new marinade. It turned out to be one of the best versions yet, in my opinion. And I braved making mashed potatoes, which were still not up to par in my opinion. And strawberry shortcake for dessert. I got him what he asked for — a bathing suit. Which, in case you were wondering, it’s a pain in the ass to buy men’s swimwear. Especially in the south. They embrace short shorts for men down here, so finding a length that he would actually wear in addition to a pattern that was "manly" was quite the task. He liked what I got him. He also was super excited that I got new flip flops for him. And, of course, out of everything, he loved the $2 joke gift I got him more than any of it. It was some movie he was going on about one night, and he was so excited that I found it. Although he will probably never watch it, I’m glad he was excited about it. (It was some movie with Whoopi Goldberg and she got a dinosaur as a partner, if you were wondering. Apparently it was so bad that she tried to buy the rights from the production company so it would never be released. It was.)

We also have a new kitten in my house. It’s adorable, but a little skittish. I’m not sure what we’re going to do with it. My roommate brought it here so we can give it to a no kill shelter, but I sort of want to keep it. I think she does too. I’m half trying to get Greg to take it, but he refuses. Maybe he’ll change his mind when he plays with her later tonight.

I went camping on Edisto Island over the weekend. It was fun, but I unfortunately got sunburned during the day. I love the beach. I just want to move there. Our campsite was literally 30 feet from the beach entrance. Fantastic. I think I finally got the campfire smell out of my hair this morning.

I’m going home in a little more than a week. Yaaay!

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June 22, 2011

ha ha ha! you’re not the only one who commented on all those exclamation points. but if you thought that was bad, you gotta come back and see my next entry with the latest email exchange from a guy I actually AM scheduled to meet. he is more than just a puppy wagging his tail, he’s jumping, barking, humping my leg and sticking his nose up my skirt and slobbering on me!

June 22, 2011

i had a dream like a year or two ago where really short shorts for men came back and in the dream i was like “you know what, my legs are pretty rockin, i’m embracing this one” and i woke up finding myself kind of disappointed that it wasn’t real

June 25, 2011

i do own a pair of seersucker shorts that i still like to occasionally bring out, but i’ve backed off the pastel polos a bit since i got bored of the whole “lets dress like i own a boat” thing.