Take 2.

So tomorrow is my second biochem exam. I feel exponentially better about it than I did the last one. This could be due to one of two things: I have successfully started smoking again, although I fight urges to shower after every cigarette or the fact that I have back tests from up until 1993 and have made flash cards of questions he appears to repeat. Which is like all of them, but that’s beside the point. I just have to master the lysozyme mechanism and triosphosphate isomerase mechanisms and be able to competently draw their little diagrams. This is always my downfall, but I somehow know the chymotrypsin mechanism and the ‘catalytic triad’ and its dominant form. Want to know something that just really gets me? I’ll probably never really use any of this shit. Other than I can successfully imagine what’s happening in my test tube when I add trypsin to dissociate cells. Sweet.

I took my 3rd and final neuro exam Monday. I feel like I killed at least 85% of it, so keep your fingers crossed. I start "learning and motivation" tomorrow. He has yet to post a syllabus and I’m really hoping there are no tests. I think I am anyway. Hopefully I can find the building this class is in and I can handle taking a purely psychological class. It might be nice to go back to a world where words like "posteromedial orbital cortex" aren’t glaring at me on every page. Yay.

Next up: Revising my manuscript (which, after rewriting, my mentor loved) and hopefully submitting it some time soon, writing my poster for SfN and presenting it next friday at the lab meeting, and writing my paper for my neuro class that is technically over. Sprinkled with lab work and study time, I will continue to not have a life.

Oh yeah, and suck it Alabama!

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October 12, 2010

i just took that test last friday and i’m pretty sure that by this time next month i won’t remember anything about chymotrypsin other than a few vague key words that will no longer have meaning to me, like “oxyanion hole”, which would also probably be an okay name for a band.

October 12, 2010

it kind of bothers me that it’s entirely possible that i can get through the next couple years with straight A’s and still have not actually learned anything.

October 13, 2010

haha yes fuck alabama! and congrats on feeling good about your exams. sometimes it doesn’t even matter how well you do, as long as you learned something while studying.

October 14, 2010

no you see memorizing all the steps of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle every two years is important because