
So I’m going to briefly sum up what the last week and a half of my life has been like (some of it may be TMI, but you can deal with it.):

1. Last Friday M confides in me that M will most likely never come back to work because he apparently had a stroke when they thought he had pneumonia the week prior. (Yes, same M who had a heart attack last summer.)

2. Within the next hour I get news that a family friend has passed away.

3. Spring break! There is parking near my building.

4. My parents decide to come down to go to the funeral. This was exciting.

5. The day before my parents come down, and the day that I’m supposed to go out with Greg and his dad for dinner, I all of a sudden get excruciating pain in my side. Almost go to the ER, but I don’t after some over the counter urinary pain relief helped.

6. Got to go to dinner with Greg and his dad, which was very nice even though I didn’t feel very well.

7. Get woken up at 5 am due to intense pain in my side. Debate going to ER. Take medicine and eventually decide to just go to the doctor first thing.

8. Go to the doctor while in terrible pain. Pee in cup. Get told that I have a UTI that is probably in my kidney. Get prescribed some antibiotic that has fucking weird side effects.

9. Almost cry waiting for prescription in Target.

10. My parents come that night! Yay! Feel like shit though.

11. Feel terrible while my parents are here, go to funeral, feel awful helping out with the meal. Go to Greg’s upon coming home and pass out for about 12 hours.

12. Get a call from the doctor telling me that the urine culture says I have e. coli all up in my urinary tract. Awesome.

13. Am a witness for M to have power of attorney for M. Extremely upsetting and so awful to see such a brilliant man in the state that he is currently in.

14. Go to class today, still feel awful, go back to doctor.

15. Doctor has a hunch. SURPRISE YOU HAVE MONO. Oh, and your uti is still kind of going on, so here’s so more of those awful antibiotics.

While in the doctor’s office I find out that I managed to not apply for a travel award for the conference I’m going to next month, thus feeling like an asshole having to email my mentor and ask her if she still wanted me to try to submit after the deadline. And tell her about the improbable kidney infection to mono diagnosis that just happened in my life so I don’t seem as much like a slacker.

And, St. Patrick’s day is saturday. Allison is coming down and apparently I’m going to be the lamest vacation, ever. And, I was supposed to run the 5k in the morning and I obviously can’t do that now. This blows.

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March 13, 2012

God what a list of things that have happened ! Hope that mono and kidney issue goes away soon! But don’t feel to bad my recent sunday consisted of having a child two days before the due date and having 7 or more things that I planned on doing the day before my induction so that everything would be on time . which it isn’t now. but its ok I guess XD . So much random stuff