Snow day!

Snow day in the South. Yessss… Although I’m an over-achiever and went into work last night to grab some stuff to work on from home. I am pretty excited that I didn’t have to go to class on the first day of classes, I can tell you that much. Especially since my day was supposed to start out as ‘Uhh, so can I be in this class? I emailed you, but you didn’t email me back.’ Along with introducing myself to the woman who is pretty much responsible for the whole unknown department situation. I feel like an introduction is long over due with this woman, but if she doesn’t want me in her department or class that conversation is going to be super awkward.

Shit I just realized that department meeting deciding my fate was supposed to be this morning. It’ll probably be postponed until never, like last semester. I feel like I should be allowed to throw a tantrum like a two-year-old over this. I just want answers, people.

Other awkward conversations that need to happen: I need to find a good, professional way to approach my adviser about the fact that I’m getting paid a Psychology student stipend, when I am, in fact, not a Psychology student. It’s roughly $300 less a month being a Psych student, and that’s really shitty considering I don’t make much to begin with. I dealt with it last semester because well… I thought I was a Psychology student. And the Psych department was technically the one paying me, so I couldn’t really argue. I guess I should wait to see how the meeting unfolds before I approach the subject. But does anyone have any ideas on how I’m supposed to approach something like that?

My conclusion on the L-word situation is that I should just deal with it. I can tell by the things he does for me, the way he acts, and the way he looks at me that he does love me. And I know I feel the same way towards him. In truth, he isn’t the most expressive person with words, and it did take him up until recently to even admit that he misses me when I’m not around. And even that came out initially as begging me not to leave him with the rednecks, saying time was moving so slowly because he couldn’t see me, and then when I finally did come home, he finally said "I missed you." His parents got divorced when he was in his early teens, and I’m sure that plays some part. I also know very little about his romantic history, other than his longest relationship was about a year. I haven’t rushed anything in this relationship, so why start now? I need to go back to just letting things happen and stop obsessing about the fact that he hasn’t said 3 little words. They are just words, after all, and actions do speak louder than words. And his actions speak pretty clearly.

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