
So after a set of very disappointing grades coming back to me, I’ve decided that I’m going to start smoking again. I’ll keep to to just before the test, and probably while studying. But seriously? It’s pathetic the amount my grades suffer from the non-smoking. Pathetic as in I was just in tears my grades were so pathetic. Last semester when I resumed smoking my grades went up. If nicotiene gum wasn’t so damn expensive, I’d probably be able to just do that to get the effect since it’s the nicotiene that increases attention and learning capabilities. So fuck it.

Now I’m going to go back to writing my fucking manuscript that apparently also sucked pretty hard. At least I know the reason behind that.

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sure smoking causes all kinds of cancer and everyone is going to die anyways. just the thing is that with smoking it’s usually a much more painful and suffering kind of death. sorry, just trying to help you along the way to stop smoking. too many we knew have died as a direct result of smoking cigarettes. itiswelljournal

September 28, 2010

disregard the non-smoking opinions of anyone who doesn’t have to take biochemistry. get those black lungs, gurl.