Science makes my head hurt.

So a lot f stressing has been going on since I came back from "vacation". (If you can really call it that) Greg was basically moving back to Buffalo, and wanted me to come with him. When I made it blatantly clear that I can’t exactly transfer programs, it doesn’t work that way, and I’m not about to start over or throw away the last 3 years of my career/schooling/life/whatever you want to call it. Although he said he wanted to continue our relationship it sounded (and felt) impossible. Top that with daily meetings with my mentor working on this damn paper, my life was basically miserable.

A week and a half later someone at this school who actually knew what he was talking about contacted him about his wanting to transfer into the accounting program here. When he initially went and talked to someone, they told him (apparently in an extremely bitchy tone which completely turned him off) that not only would he have to get his bachelor’s degree in accounting prior to starting the master’s program, the bachelor’s program was currently on wait list and he wouldn’t be able to start until spring at the earliest. At some point he had sent his resume/transcripts to the head of the department and the guy called him and explained that he was admitted into the program on a preliminary basis, as long as he scored well enough (in the 50th percentile) on the GMAT and continued to do well in his pre-req accounting classes. Also that he did not, in fact, need to get a second bachelor’s, bringing his grand total time down to 2 years. In short, he’s staying, and I would sit down the administration of this school and tell them to get their shit together.

So, yeah, daily meetings with my mentor suck. Some days everything is fine — the beginning was ok and we got a lot done and all criticism was constructive, etc. About mid-way through last week she started just saying things like "I don’t like how that sounds." or "I like the direction, but really don’t like the way you wrote it." without any kind of clue as to how to fix it. So needless to say, I was stressed out and pissed off. That on top of doing my normal experiments, and trying to figure out new ones, I felt like I was losing my mind. I also felt like I was doing absolutely everything wrong. I took an afternoon to myself yesterday and sat around a pool with a friend and had a few drinks. It was lovely. And I feel much better.

As a more long term (and healthier) solution I’m going to be going back to hot yoga classes [at least] twice a week, starting tomorrow. My favorite teacher is teaching tomorrow and I’m actually really excited about going. The past few weeks my stress and anxiety levels have been almost unbearable, and I need to get back to place where I feel balanced. I’ve also felt like a fat slob the last month or so because my only means of exercise has really only been walking the dog. Which is great, but it definitely doesn’t get frustration or anxiety out of my body the way sweating does.

There was a cockroach in my coffee mug at work this morning. Marina and I captured the mug in a grocery bag and got the bug into the bag. We rescued the mug and threw away the bug. It was disgusting. The size of the bugs down here is disgusting.

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June 25, 2012

haha, i like how difficult it is to classify graduate school. not quite school, not quite a career, and it’s really depressing to openly call it “life”. the daily slog sucks but it sounds like you’re getting a lot done. two publications (this is your second, right?) in three years is pretty badass.

June 28, 2012

What is your user name on instagram. I must have missed where you started following me somehow hmm. My shop is: Hot yoga sounds like I would probably just die haha. I do love yoga, but is it really that much more relaxing when its so hot?

June 28, 2012

writing isn’t that bad. it’s just having it chewed up and spit out by an advisor that doesn’t know what they want that gets annoying. my advisor changed his mind about the cover letter he had me write for the paper we’re submitting and he wrote one himself and had me edit it. i had to find a phrase to replace “the biological function of this protein has a big muddy literature”.

Just hearing about cockroaches makes me shudder. So nasty.