
So I leave for San Diego on Friday. My poster is mostly done, I just need to get the ok from my adviser and then I can print it (which apparently is $70… Grumble.)  I’ve decided to treat myself to new luggage since what I own is is serious disrepair — as in the one bag I’ve had since middle or high school… And I’m pretty sure one of the pockets is going to fall off (And it was made by Mudd. Seriously.). My other bag is really small and will not fit 5 days worth of items, and the third (which I technically stole from my parents’ house) is obnoxiously large and I can’t check bags this trip. So I’m getting an extra cute Victoria’s Secret duffel (don’t judge. I really like polka dots.) By saying "I’m getting" I really mean my mother is buying it for me as a Christmas present. Sadly, I have to turn it over once I go home for Thanksgiving, but regardless I’m going to have a cute bag. I’m contemplating buying the matching tote, since I can afford that. I sort of wish the duffel was black, too. Oh well. We’ll see how it all plays out when I go shopping after work.

Apparently my adviser wants me to attempt to submit my paper prior to leaving on Friday. Nervousness ensues. I still need to send her the 3rd draft, which is basically done, I’m just nervous about it for some reason.

I also need to start thinking about what I’m going to say when people talk to me about my poster. Luckily, I have a practice session on Thursday.

My office and room are both a mess. Mostly due to stress, although I did have time over the weekend to clean. I was just too lazy. Maybe later today. Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just cuddle up with the boy again tonight. The latter is most likely considering tonight is the last night I’ll see him until I come home from San Diego next week. Did I mention I hate when he works nights?

I have a feeling I’m going to be writing another one of these entries at some point this week since I have little to do other than edit things. I hate editing.


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