
I just spent the last few minutes reading an argument between people on facebook regarding politics. It started out with some kind of comment about how the GOP has taken out some sort of loan, but is running on financial responsibility and how that’s not responsible. Blah blah. So someone came back at him saying "at least they’ll pay it back" and so it went on. Eventually they got down to "well, majority rules and the government didn’t make insurance, industry did" and then a really long run on sentence. Yes, I could just copy and paste, but I don’t feel like it. I just feel like venting because I hate the way things are going in this country right now.

We’re in (or were in, depending on who you talk to) a financial crisis. So in my opinion we should try to work together and fix it. Instead all I see is two, sometimes three, groups of people bickering. Sure, I understand arguing about which solution is best, but no one sits down and LISTENS to the other person. Or if one group does try, the other one usually retorts with something like "YOU SUCK! YOUR IDEAS SUCK! NYAAAAAH!", in a more mature way. But no matter how smooth your words are, that’s what is being said. The thing that really gets me is when people argue about who caused this crisis. "It was Bush! He did it!" or "It was the Dems! Don’t vote them back in!" You know what? You want to know a secret? Who caused the crisis that affects Americans the most? Americans did. We are the ones who maxed out our credit cards, took out bigger mortgages than we could afford, and lived higher than our means. I’m just as guilty as anyone else. I didn’t do it because of party affiliation, and neither did you. We did it because we wanted those things. Yes, corporations offered those things, but we still took the bait and didn’t read the fine print. Figuring out who to blame is not the problem. The problem is the problem.

I also wanted to address this guy’s "The government didn’t create insurance, industry did". Well, no shit Sherlock. Unfortunately, now you can’t do anything without insurance and that’s the problem. Or, in my case, even with insurance I’m fucked because it’s awful. A friend of mine constantly says "Yeah, well now we have to pay for those people without insurance." We paid for them before, through higher health care costs. "Well they need to work for that insurance." A lot of these people do work, but their employers either don’t want to or couldn’t afford to give their employees health insurance.

Oh, and please keep your religion out of my politics. It’s already bad enough listening to this bullshit without throwing in God, and how people feel about him/her/it. Sure, I believe in some kind of God, but I sure as hell don’t believe that that being is up there controlling our economics.

So annoyed that I forgot to request my absentee ballot.

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October 28, 2010

I thought the Jews were responsible for this whole thing…strange. I joke (for anyone reading this who doesn’t know me). It’s nice to have a level head and step back and say waitaminute. It’s tough, it might get tougher, but we’ll see what happens. Who really cares who’s to blame? We have to move forward. I like your approach, in general, and it’s nice to see it in someone our age.

October 29, 2010

most people are terrified at the idea that someone out there is getting something they don’t deserve rather than being concerned about the people who aren’t getting the care they do deserve.

November 2, 2010

well said!!