Oh, that’s right, I’ve become neurotic.

So almost all the things that were bothering me in the previous entry? All for nothing. I really need to get this anxiety thing under control, I think it’s starting to bring up those oh-so-lovely stomach problems I had a few years ago. Although I wouldn’t mind losing that weight again, I really was trying to lose it in a non-painful, healthy way. Whatever.

School: So according to my mentor (and whether or not she’s actually a good source on this or not is in question), I have nothing to worry about salary-wise. She more or less said these words, so I think I’m ok in the respect. We decided not to worry about what department I’m in for a few more months. I’ll be getting paid the same amount, and who cares what my degree is in? (Ok, that’s a little sarcastic, but she still made me feel better about the situation.)

She’s excited to see the first draft of my paper, and I sort of can’t wait to just send the damn thing out. I’m tired of thinking about it. Too bad there’s still a ton more to do. At least the writing part is almost over. I’ll wrestle with figures and pictures next week. Oh yeah, and we have to decide where exactly we’re sending this baby.

Dating: I can’t read this guy at all. I completely imagined what I was complaining about last week. I’m just glad that I kept my craziness to myself. Things are fine and we’re going to a beer brunch on Sunday. I’m a little bummed that his dad will be in town — and he will therefore be entertaining him all weekend. Except for Sunday. I’m kind of hoping his father knows nothing about me simply for the reason that I’m not ready to do the meet the parents thing.

Moving: I finally have my new address. I have my room assignment, I know the names of the people I’ll be living with. Hopefully it all works out, because this place is sweet. Now all I have to do is pack and move my shit. I hate moving. (But really, who doesn’t?)

The bridesmaid dress I was freaking out about? Yeah, I missed the second half of the zipper. It ‘fits’ fine, or at least it will once I get it taken in.

Debit card? Still annoyed. Less so since now I have a temporary card (after calling the bank and finding out the they never sent my new one. What. thefuck.) Still waiting on the new one.

So all is relatively good in the world. Now, I have to go pay my parking tickets.


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July 29, 2010

RYN: the shoes are awesome. They’re great because you don’t have to replace them as often as regular shoes. Haha, I’ve done that with a dress before, it was hilarious. I got it on zappos and was really upset I had to return it but Gary was like “uhhh… it’s not zipped”. You don’t want to lose the weight via stomach problems. You can do it miss Sarah if anything you’re stubborn as shit 🙂

August 22, 2010

thanks for your advice – I will probably work a bit of whole grains and fruits back in after I get a feel for whether this is helping or not anyway as to the above “just glad that I kept my craziness to myself” ha ha ha! I totally relate to that. I can’t tell how many times I’ve mis-read or mis-imagined the explanation behind some guy’s behavior and found out the reason was so nothing compared to what was in my head and been so glad I kept it to myself. of course, when there is a question or mystery, there is always just straight-forward asking – only I don’t usually trust myself to be able to word the question (or control the hysteria in my voice). that straight-forward thing before assuming or concluding is something I plan on working on tho