
So I moved last Thursday. In the God awful heat that is SC, I moved. For the third time since I’ve lived down here, I moved in August. I don’t think I’ll ever learn.

I attempted to get out of my current lease (C and I resigned for a 2 bedroom before she turned a little crazy), but realized that I really couldn’t afford to live in a safe place by myself. So I stayed. Moving was horrific. First of all, the whole system of moving between units in this apartment complex is frustrating. Since it’s mostly a student complex, leases run from Aug. 11 – Jul. 28, and we were asked to actually move out during that time. Considering we both have jobs, this wasn’t really an option, as I’m guessing was the case with all the other people moving between units as well. So they told us we’d get a phone call during that time and we’d have 24 hours to move and clean. This didn’t seem like a huge deal — and I [stupidly] assumed that as the time came closer they would give us a better estimate as to when our moving date would be. So the week went on, after we had packed the majority of our stuff after witnessing them cleaning our new unit out, and we had no phone call. M had asked me to take her to Charleston to visit her husband and I agreed, I went and asked the office for a better time estimate and was told that it would be one of two days. Didn’t get the call either of those days. Well, I did, but much later than when the office is open and after I had committed to taking M that day. They sent an email (which went to my spam folder) and claim to have called me at 9pm that night about moving at 10am the next day. So C started moving. You know what? This is getting really long and I don’t feel like reliving it. Basically: C turned out to be mostly a lazy, whore-ish, piece of shit on moving day. Then, after unpacking a box or two of stuff downstairs and making sure her room was unpacked, she spent hours trying on clothes to figure out what to wear over the weekend. Then, she left for the entire weekend leaving the majority of the unpacking to me. So basically, really fucking awesome weekend. Oh, did I mention the heat index was 110? Or that it didn’t drop below 90, even at 10pm? Yeah, that might have something to do with the cranky pants I wore most of the weekend.

Oh, icing on the cake: I emailed the staff twice (once a few weeks ago, and reminded them again after I got my "move" email) to remove the extra furniture that I didn’t need from the apartment. When I asked the front desk about what to do prior to sending any emails, I was given attitude for even asking such a question (even though last year shit was still there.) and told to send the email. Guess what was still in my apartment? That’s right, boys and girls, all the shit I said I didn’t need. Luckily C got them to come get at least the bed out of my room so I could put my own bed in. The desk is still sitting in my hallway. And my closet rod is fucked and they refuse to come fix it because they’re "too busy" getting shit ready. Fuck off. If you make me move that quickly, at least have done the repairs right so I can unpack.

Good news: Greg and I still haven’t been fighting. I had a little bit of an episode on Friday, but I blame it on the heat and over-whelmingness of unpacking by myself, losing an entire closet’s worth of space, and not having any storage what-so-ever for the not essential stuff. It just so happened to be set off while he was there and I started crying over his unwillingness to go get a pillow from downstairs. Which melted into "Why the hell did I move here? Why did I ever leave my first apartment? I hate this." I put my big girl pants on the next day and downsized my shit, organized things, and unpacked. The apartment looks awesome now. I may even post pictures after we get our new couches.

Tonight is a much needed yoga class. I need some unwinding and balancing.


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August 9, 2011

what is it with useless roommates?!? i can’t wait to see the new place – and i have some interesting space saving ideas since i believe in excess, if you still haven’t figured out how to arrange your closet!

August 10, 2011

guh, so many bad roommate memories are resurfacing… I’ve been sharing a closet with Gary (it’s rather large, but still) so I know all about down-sizing. He’d say I haven’t done that very much, but what does he know 😉 miss you, xoxoxo