In Transit

So I’ve been in transit since oh… 10:15 am. It is currently 7:51 pm back home, I have no idea what time it is where ever the plane is over right now. I think we’re over Texas right now. In other words: I’m really fucking cranky. I won’t be getting to San Diego for another… 3 or 4 hours? I really wish I hadn’t just done that math.

So I decided to buy a 24 hour pass to the internet which cost me a lovely $13. This better work on the next plane, dammit. I bought it so I could in theory make my itinerary for the meeting since I failed to do so prior to leaving. (This is my own fault. I am aware) But now I’m entirely too cranky to read abstract titles and make decisions on what I’m doing… I’m also not entirely sure if I’m required to be near my poster the entire 4 hours. I hope not because there’s shit that I want to see during my time slot.

Anyway, if you haven’t noticed, I’m probably going to whine for the rest of whatever I decide to write in here. Feel free not to read.

So I logged into Blackboard to grade the ‘quizzes’ the guy I TA for told me would be digitally uploaded there. I’ve decided that he is an idiot for doing this. First of all, how the hell am I supposed to keep track of this shit? Second, they probably all fucking cheated. Third, it looks like maybe 10 people actually did it so what was the point of it? I also found some article summaries posted there. He needs to have them do something in a uniform fashion — don’t give me some paper copies and some digital copies. Or at least tell me there will be digital copies so I’m not surprised to find them when I log in. Or how about, you give them a uniform way to send the files. I’m all for saving paper, but this is going to be a fucking pain in the ass. Not to mention the ass gave me a set of scantron tests and no answer key. So I made said answer key and then the scantron reader didn’t work (not his fault, but STILL). So it looks like I’ll be hand grading them. Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just wait until I get back. We’ll see how bored I get on the flight home.

My back hurts. I’m sleepy even though I’ve had entirely too much caffiene. I’m hungry. Judging by my lay over none of this will be fixed before my connecting flight. Oh and my head is starting to hurt.

I feel a little better for whining. Thanks for reading? Or not.


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November 13, 2010

The more you TA the more you will realize that if it makes sense, it’s not gonna happen. I’ve struggled in my positions multiple times with stupid planning and ridiculous choices by “smart” professors. It sucks, but just try to take it one week at a time. Even if you make students do it one way, there will always be an exception. good luck in california 🙂