I think the universe is buttering me up.

I know it seems pessimistic to think that since everything has been going so well lately that the bottom is sure to drop out soon. But that’s my mind set right now. I have a lab and I’m actually enjoying the work there way more than I did in the previous labs I was hoping to join. I may have found an extraordinarily cheap place to live next year, although that’s not final yet. I got my first A on a test in grad school (I almost cried last night when I saw it). I’ve started seeing a very sweet man, although I’m still wary of any bizarrities that could pop up. And classes [for me] end on Tuesday. Oh yeah, and the weather has been absolutely perfect for the entire week. I know I should be ecstatic, but for some reason I feel like this is the calm before the storm…. I just really hope I’m wrong about it.

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April 16, 2010

Let’s SWITCH for a few hours haha!! I’m so happy things are going well for you. And the universe can’t butter you up, it’s a scientific fact… you’ve earned all of these neato things that are happening! Cheers, I’ll buy you a T&T next time we’re both in town 🙂 xoxox

April 16, 2010

maybe this is just an “i’m sorry” from the universe for a past wrong it inflicted upon you and everything is cool?

April 18, 2010

You work SO HARD and all of this (except the weather) is because you’ve earned it. You have to keep trying, but see that your hard work pays off – like this week 🙂