
So I thought I was prepared for the summers down here. Thought was a key word. It’s now the… I don’t even know. 10th day where it’s very close to being 100? And it’s only June! It should be a lovely 101 with a heat index of 106 and ridiculous humidity when I finally head to my car. I might just have to try and catch the shuttle to the parking lot. I might melt if I walk. But I need the exercise. Blaah. We’ll see. Good news: I’ve managed to get a tan. Granted, my tan is most people’s pale, but still. It’s the first time my skin has seen an extended amount of sunlight in years. Yes, I use sunscreen, I don’t have a death wish. (If I didn’t I wouldn’t be tan. I’d be deep, lobster red.)

I’ve decided that I need to buy a jumbo picture of some exotic beach to put in my "window" (see: old one-way mirror). Maybe even some fun curtains. Since I have to cover myself in sunscreen and smell like the beach all day, I feel like I should be able to look at one. Maybe I’ll switch out posters according to the seasons. Yes, I have a super exciting life with difficult decisions.

I’ve been seeing someone for over a month. Things appear to be going well, and we’re moving really slow in the emotional department, which I’m thrilled about. I still have my guard up a little, but it’s coming down. His birthday is on Sunday and I can’t decide if we’re at the stage that I get him a birthday present or not. I had thought of like… Sending him a cupcake or something since I won’t be here this weekend, but I can’t find anyone that does that. Truthfully, I haven’t really looked all that hard, but whatever. I also thought of getting one of those metal water bottle things, since he’s been toting around a used Aquafina bottle for a couple weeks (he says that he washes it, but still.). So I would love some input on that lovely people that read this.

Work related shtuff: K and S are defending the Thursday I come back, which basically means they’re graduating. Sort of scary since that means I will be the only student in the lab after they leave. I’m still excited for them both. I’m finishing up the paper I mentioned before, and now I’ve been assigned to another project on dendritic spines. I get to learn new techniques yaaay! Well, staining techniques. Possibly learn how to use the confocal microscope. That would be awesome. I’ve been reading so many papers lately my eyes feel like they’re going to fall out. I don’t know how anyone remembers everything they’ve read — I’ve printed out one paper twice as a result of forgetting what I’ve read.

I’m going home in 2 days. Haven’t seen my parents in 6 months, I’m excited.


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