Getting what you ask for

I’ll apologize ahead of time for sounding a little whiny. It’s because I am. But just know that I’m writing this in order to not have psycho-girl-vomit come out of my mouth onto my loving boyfriend who does try his best to keep me happy.


I don’t know if I’ve written on here how much I’ve been wishing Greg would find some of his own friends. It’s not that I don’t love spending time with him, I just didn’t want him to feel like I was his entire world down here. I mean, the majority of the friends he has are through me — and my friends do really like him. I did drunkenly blurt this out one night to him, and apologized profusely when it upset him. So he met some guy named James at the gym about a month ago. It started with texting him all the time while we were in Myrtle Beach. Then last week he skipped out on hanging out with me to go watch a UFC fight with him (which I was secretly elated that he didn’t want to hang out, I was exhausted, and I was glad he got to have some male bonding time). Now, tonight, he went to an amusement park with him.

This is where I’m going to sound like a crazy person.

I’m really upset that he went to the amusement park. I was genuinely looking forward to seeing him tonight. He’s been working night shift and I only get to see him on his off days — unlike when he’s working days and we spend almost every night together. So he worked all weekend and I was in Nashville (where I had a fucking blast). I guess I’m also a little hurt that he went when he knows how badly I’ve been wanting to go there. When I asked him what triggered the trip (which he said was last minute) he said "I don’t know, we were just bored I guess." How many fucking times have we been bored? And he’s never, ever thought "Oh hey, let’s go to an amusement park." Or anything out of the ordinary, really. It’s also really irritating that he couldn’t have told me sooner than 6pm. I could’ve very well made plans for tonight — or bought something to cook tonight. Now I’m going to have to go back to the fucking grocery store and buy something.

And then, of course, I start to wonder if James isn’t actually some other girl. But I doubt that. He’s never done anything to make me not trust him.

I just needed to get that out before I started sending accusatory text messages to him and ruin his fun. He deserves to have some fun with someone other than me. It’s what I wanted for him. I just wish it didn’t make me feel so sad.

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August 15, 2011

It’s tricky sometimes, isn’t it? How long have you two been together for?

August 15, 2011

sar. you sound like a girl. maybe james said he really wanted to go to the amusement park! i’m sure if you had suggested it, he’d have gone with you a million times over. i think greg would rather spend EVERY night with you but you made such a big deal about seeing other friends, that he’s just trying to do what he thinks will make you happy…

August 17, 2011

“i met a guy at the gym and we’re going to an amusement park together” <— a gay statement j/k gurl he probably isn’t actually gay.

August 17, 2011

although if he is, the amusement park thing will definitely be one of those things that you look back on and go “i should have known”

August 18, 2011

i’m not looking forward to having to fight a bunch of 19 year olds for parking spots next week. the freeweight section of a gym is seriously a little borderline sometimes. the weirdest conversations happen between dudes when no women are around and they’re helping each other lift heavy objects.

August 23, 2011

RYN: Thank you for your kind words. Hope everything is better for you two now.