
After being talked at for nearly 4 hours, I need to unwind my thoughts a little bit before I got back to trying to study and be productive and all that jazz. The ability of M to talk in such a circular fashion baffles me. He just goes on and on, starting with something that is completely relevant to the task at hand, and ending somewhere so far in the future that it may or may not come to fruition, and then ends sort of back where he starts somehow. And if you attempt to agree with something he says, he’ll argue with you about it as if it didn’t actually come out of his mouth 2 minutes prior to you saying something. I need to find a nice way to tell him to stop talking. I know in the end he’s trying to help me, I just wish it wouldn’t all come out at once. I’m extremely thankful I keep a bottle of ibuprofen in my desk.

Spent part of last night with the policeman. He invited me over to watch football, so I cooked and brought dinner over and we watched most of the Jets/Ravens game. We missed the kick off of the Chiefs’ game (I’ll let you use your imagination there), but eventually wound up back on the couch. We just cuddled for a while and I had to go home. (He works nights, so he was planning on staying up for the  hours that I planned on sleeping) It seems that now that we’re ‘official’ he’s magically just opened up his box of questions, stories, and affections for me. For once I think my patience paid off — 4 months is a long time to wait for that box to open, let me tell you. Not to say that he didn’t open up at all during that last 4 months, but he was still a pretty big puzzle to me up until the last few weeks. I keep catching myself grinning at weird times and getting those oh-so-wonderful butterflies in my stomach. Like right now.

I’m finally back on track with my exercise routine. Yay, more endorphins.

In other words: I’m ridiculously happy right now. Now I’m going to go ruin it by studying for biochem.

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September 14, 2010

awww sar…awwwwwwwwwwwww 🙂 i can’t wait to hear details

September 15, 2010

I’m glad things are moving a little bit more quickly now… and isn’t that feeling so great? I love the butterflies 🙂