New D and growing stuff

Hey… I’m back from New D. I was gone for pretty much the enetire afternoon. I was trying to get rid some e-mails in my Gmail. Mostly because they were just sitting there doing diddlysquat. So… I was doing that, plus I did some planting of cucumbers, and I should have taken pix, but next week, I’m going to see about them. There were also marigolds and veggies and herbs… but I just did cukes. Julz did carrots. I totally ♥ carrots. Any which way I can get them! Yum!!!
Guess what Bees had stashed away in the grey pouch that I carry our iPads in?? My old somewhat badly cracked Samsung tab E!! I can’t get Tubi on it but I can get PlutoTV and Filmrise and Fawesome too. And I can get YT movies too . And the crack doesn’t bug me or mar the camera… although I need to clean it (lol) but that’s fine.
I had roasted chicken thighs, mixed veg (Known also as California mix) and braised chopped seasoned potatoes for dinner. So good!!! The others are watching a movie about the Jesus freaks in the late 60’s-early 70’s. True too. But I’m not too interested in that. (lmao)
What are y’all up to today?
Tell me also, in le comments, if you’ve every grown anything, and if so, what, and did it flourish or die?
I grilled steaks, Brussels sprouts with pancetta and smashed potatoes were dinner last night. Today, mango habenero rubbed and air fried chicken wings, cauliflower and pasta salad on the side.
I like to cook sometimes lol
@ostara *flies over to Ostara’s place* Gotta love spicy wings!!
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