Just relaxing on a lovely day…

Hey… it’s nearing the end of a gorgeously warm day. I’m still watching Bride in a Box, I am going to then watch Dead Body. Horror movies pique my interests. I’m weird that way.. I am still playing around with Veed.io but so far no dice. I find it very tricky.

Tomorrow is the solar eclipse, and I just have this odd feeling about it. Like something will happen, IDK what though… eh… it’s prolly nothing… hopefully??

I am friends with a girl who is heavily into Jesus and the end of days. She thinks there might be a massive earthquake in Canadank, the US, and Mexico tomorrow. TBH, I think this maybe true. At least a bit? What do you think? Do you think there is a correlation between Friday’s earthquake and the eclipse/possible massive earthquake? Maybe I’m grasping at straws here…

Anyways, are you going to view the eclipse? (Safely might I add?) Or are you going to just wait the fucker out like me? It can’t last all day can it????

Whatever. If there is an earthquake, I’m protecting Bees (she’s the featured image) and Julz, then my computer and iPad and phone.

Why the fuck can’t I shake this off??



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April 7, 2024

The solar eclipse will last all of four minutes and has nothing to do with earthquakes. There. Now you can relax!

April 7, 2024

@darkmadonna Bless ❤️