I’m on a bloody roll here!!! 🤪
uYou know when you are in this weird goofy mood, where everything strikes you as funny?? That’s moi as I type this. Kind of happy, manic and weird all rolled into a nice freckled redheaded package. 🙂
But my hip is *still* acting up, but I’m still disregarding it. Have you ever heard of Shea Seger?? She a rea lly cool vocalist.
I was turned onto her by an old friend who was a musician. 🙂 The same as with Ours too.
Yes, I’m that goth crazy chick in the background! Fermez-la! (Shut up in French!! lol)
Gosh I’m in a funky mood. I don’t usually feel this way but I must say that it feels good!
This is for all you mofos that think I should shut up.
Welp.. I’m ready for whatever…
Sounds like you were what I call slap happy. 🤣
@ostara Ha ha yeah. 😀
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Shine on you crazy diamond 😎
@ashestoashes 🌟✨🌟✨
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