Hey… remember me? I don’t blame you if you don’t….

I know that Passover is not until near the end of this month, but I’m not Christian tbh. I am not a very observant Jew but I like the Jewish mysticism called Kabbalah. Sort of Wiccan, sort of Jewish? 

Um well… I gave Leo his kibble and his bananas. I don’t know if bunnies should eat bananas every day like this. I know that he won’t touch any other fruit… he is a fickle rabbit. :3

REMEMBER: If you are in the market for a rabbit, this Easter, think twice bc the bunnies usually end up in shelters… so, if your family wants one, get them a plush bunnie. PLUSHIES THIS EASTER. This PSA is brought to you by my own experience… my nephew got one for a past Easter, and I ended up caring for Nina until she died… which I didn’t mind but still.

@strawberryjelly will probably agree. 🙂



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March 31, 2024

Chag Sameach! Passover is really late this year (the last day is April 30th!) and I’m proposing a 2nd night seder on Coney Island Beach with my community here in Brooklyn.

March 31, 2024

@ravdiablo Chag Sameach to you too! 😀 I know eh? A Coney Island seder? OMG. Yesss!! My father is from NYC as is his parents. So, I’m there with you being half New Yorker! (lol)

March 31, 2024

I adopted my bunny from a shelter after Easter. I really liked that bunny, but unfortunately, it turned out I am super allergic to rabbits! So my vet adopted it from me.

March 31, 2024

@elkay My sister Julie is too. She constantly is sneezing and coughing… I tell her not to pet the bun but she does anyways. She is silly!!

March 31, 2024

My daughter LOVES rabbits.  She’s had a number of them.  Her first rabbit was a big lop earred boy named Mr. Bear but we also called him Bunky.  I’m so happy that you have Leo.  Leo is a cutie who I bet loves bananas!

March 31, 2024

@wildrose_2 Leo is a Flemish giant. He is my baby. ♥

March 31, 2024

@cemeterydawn So sweet.  🐇


March 31, 2024

@wildrose_2 Ikr??