Good morning to y’all…

I don’t know about you but I’m hungry. I think I’ll have cold cereal and toast for breakfast. Not many ppl are up around this time, but they should be coming soon.
Today, or tonight, should I say, I have to pack up my computer, the iPad, the Samsung tab A, and my phone, and 3DS, to go to New D tomorrow. I like to be prepared y’know??
I think Maman is coming back today sometime. Hopefully one of these days, she can do an Instacart order for the month of April. See, Julz, Bees and I go halfsies on some stuff that we want, like hash browns, or tea, etc etc… I pay $50, as does Bees and Julz… and ya. Pretty nice setup we have.
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Larousse Gastronomique. I hope it comes soon. Amazon says the 13th of May, but who knows, it may come earlier! I ♥ this book. I had an older copy awhile back, but Ry Ry got rid of it sadly… bc of bedbugs and whatnot? We don’t have a bedbug problem now but we did.
It is well worth it’s price; $100.
I am going to see about my insulin and breakfast now.. I hear some stirrings…
I love that picture. What is that book about?
@ashestoashes Me too. :3 It is part history book and part French cookery book!
C’est magnifique!!
haha sounds interesting
@ashestoashes It is seriously the best book along with Huck Finn.
My fav’s are great expectations, the catcher in the rye and the great gatsby
@ashestoashes YAS!!! The Catcher in the Rye sums up what I wanted to be. I wanted to Holden Caulfield!!!
me as well. I trusted so much to the character. I think most disaffected youth can relate to him in one way or another.
@ashestoashes I wanted the lifestyle and the devil-may-care attitude. LOL!!!
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