stolen questions…


 Who was your first love?……..Michael


 Has anyone ever broken your heart?…….Yep, Daniel & Arron


 Is love a good thing, a bad thing, or both? ……. both… it depends on how it ends


 Have you ever told someone you loved them but didn’t mean it?…….Nope


 Do you have any medical conditions?…….Nope


 Do you like your family?……. Yes and No… it depends on the day and how they are treating me


 Would you ever consider yourself having a ‘rough’ family life? ………No.


 Is there anyone in your family you’re jealous of?…….Nope


 Does it bother you when you text somebody and they never answer? …….Bother me, no, just annoying sometimes


 Do you like the majority of the people you go to school with? …….. I don’t go to school.


 Have you ever gotten a sunburn so bad it hurt to move?…….Yep when I was 9 or 10… i feel asleep on the deck of my grandma’s pool… i was very crispy… but had a heck of a tan after i healed


 Who is your last missed call? ……..Mom



 Have you ever used a bow and arrow? …….Nope


What song could you listen to over and over and never get sick of it? ……..Love the way you lie

Have you ever paid for something in all change? ……Yep…who hasn’t?

Are you satisfied with your life right now?………Yes

What is something that confuses you?…… God and how many different interpratations of bible passages people have

Where are you right now? …….My room

Have you told anybody you loved them today?……Yep… Malachai, Cory & Lindsay

What mood are you in? ………Kinda bored… a bit melancholy… but nothing serious

Did you kiss or hug anyone today? ……..Yes… Malachai

What would you do if you won the lottery? ………Pay off my bills, mom’s bills, bub’s bills… add to Malachai’s savings account… yes I know practical… but I’m sure I’d spend some just because

<span style

=”font-size: small; “>What are you doing right now? ……Filling this out while I wait on my game to finish downloading and listening to hogan’s heros in the background


 Would you say that you are a happy person? ……Most of the time… but no one can be happy all the time


 Do long distance relationships work? ……..In my experience no… they never work

What’s the best relationship you’ve been in? …….The best relationship I’ve been in was with Arron… of course that was before he cheated…


 Would you ever enhance or get any kind of plastic surgery? …….. Nope


 What’s the biggest turn off? ……..talking during a movie

If you died today, you think a lot of people would cry? …..that’s a bit conceited… but I guess some would be upset

Do you prefer to take showers at night or in the morning?……. morning


 Do you remember the name of your first school you ever went to?………yep


 How many kids do you want to have? ………I’m good with the one I have.. but if God sees fit to bless me with another, then I’d be happy

Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?……. don’t think so lol

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you’ll get it? ……only by working for it

Would you ever get a tongue piercing? ……I’ve already had a double tongue piercing… I would be afraid to get them re-pierced 

Would you everget your nose pierced?…….Nope

Do you snore?……..Malachai says I do

Do you like to spend time with people? ……Depends on the person I’m spending time with

Last song you sang out loud? ……..The vacation song at the beginning of Chipwrecked


 Have you ever had your heart broken? ……Yes…. when Daniel said goodbye… (a best friend not boyfriend)

Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?……Nope

Are you missing someone right now?…….. Yes Daniel

How old do you look? …….I would say I look my age

Where is the person who has your heart at this moment?…..Don’t know… I haven’t given my heart away lately


 Are you waiting for something?….. Yes… this game to finish downloading

What were you doing at ten last night?……Sleeping

Last myspace message you received? …… deleted myspace a long time ago

<p style="font-family: 'Bodoni MT Black'; font-size: 12pt; text-align: justify; “>Can you handle the truth?…… sometimes

Did you cry today? ………nope

 Do you hate the last person you had a conversation with? ……no I don’t hate my sister…just her choices

Is there anyone who understands your relationship status? ……..well there is no relationship…so I would assume that everyone  understands single

What is one thing you would change about your current relationship? ………nothing

When was the last time you had alcohol?………last year

What was the last thing you drank?…….alcohol – hot apple pie… now… diet coke

Last person you hugged? ……Malachai

Who do you most look like in your family?…… My Aunt Tami

Did you have a dream last night? ……..If I did I don’t remember it

How many piercings do you have? ……Four in each ear, two overgrown tongue piercings

If you could have something right now, what would it be?…….a phone call from daniel (which is rediculous because he doesn’t have my number)

Does anyone call you babe?……yes, Cory…. (thinking about that is weird, but he’s been my best friend for the last 9 years)

Where does most of your family live? …….ohio

Have you ever seen somebody get hit by a car?……

Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? ….. no

Have you broken a bone? …….nope

What did you receive for Valentine’s Day?………. a card from Malachai

Have you ever had a panic attack?…….no

Can you sleep in jeans? ……yes

What can’t you wait for? …..Malachai’s birthday

 When’s the last time you told someone you loved them and really meant it?….. Today

What is your favorite color? ……Orange

Want someone back in your life?…….Yes…I have room for two best friends

Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? …….I don’t think so

 Are you good at giving directions? ……lol no… just ask my mom

When was the last time you cried really, really hard? ………when Kia’s cancer came back last year

Who was your last text from? ……..Britany

 Ever licked someone’s cheek? ……..Yeah

What is your favorite thing to eat

with peanut butter? ……..carrots

 Where were you on July 5th, 2008? ……my parent’s house…and out at the college watching the thunder in the valley show

What body parts do you wash first in the shower? ……. my hair

Have you ever kissed anyone who’s name started with a M?     ……..Yes…Michael

Do you prefer warm or cold weather? …..I don’t have a preference…but I don’t like this flip-flop weather we’re having right now

What do you currently hear right now? ……….the hogan’s heros theme

Does someone like you right now? ……….not that i’m aware of

Could you go out in public looking like you do now? …. could I yes… should I no… lol

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