i swear…
i didn’t forget about journaling here……i just didn’t the past few days…..i’ve been so busy…i spent most of the weekend helping my aunt get her classroom together, moving things and rearranging the desks for the kiddos….haning up all the bulletin board stuff….it was exhausting, but fun at the same time….
and yesterday, i officially started my first class for franklin….not going too bad, i’m like 2 weeks ahead of everyone…doing good with the nutrition tracking and exercising, altho i flaked yesterday and didn’t exercise…so i’m going to do extra today….i did weigh in tho, i’ve lost 1.8 pounds this week…..only 7 more to go to meet my group challenge…..then a whole lot more to go to meet my goal…..but it’s the small steps that add up to the big goal 🙂
welp i’m gonna get started on today…homework, exercise, nutrition…and lets not forget the kiddos…..i so can’t wait for their school to start….lol