ah the weekend…the “wedding” of the ex….
lol so wedding is in quotations, because it was really just a renewing of their vows type of thing… apparently after two years they felt they needed to do it again…i typically thought that was done on anniversaries…but then again maybe i’m just being petty about it in my thoughts… regardless i went to their wedding ceremony because one our daughter was part of the ceremony and two because the other couple who were having a family ceremony invited me and asked that i be their photographer… so yeah it was kinda twisted. so the couple who are my friends is the ex’s brother & sister-in-law… they just got married less than a year ago in the court house…but they had been planning this family ceremony since they were married. they needed to save up some $ before they could put it on… so my theory, is the new wife didn’t want to be left out of the spotlight, so she jumped on board… but again just my opinion and it does seem to be pretty petty even to me….
i’m not bitter about them being together, completely the opposite, i just wish that they would have more contact with chai. she misses her daddy. when he’s here or when they talk on the phone, she is so happy, face all lit up with joy. i think that he is happy with this wife, unlike the other one, but i also think their relationship has become stressed, especially since they’ve been home on leave. his wife has went back to old habits, and kinda forgetting about their three kids. he’s busy trying to keep track of her, make sure she doesn’t od…. or whatever, and the kids are being left with his brother & sil… i mean even when they came and got chai, she was so messed up… actually his sil came with the wife to get her, and if the sil wouldn’t have been there…i would not have let chai go… she was so messed up she was slurring her words, tripping over herself… it was bad… bad enough that you can go from looking healthy in a family christmas picture to cracked out in the two weeks you’ve been home. but chai had a great time with her dad when he was there, but he’s trying to hold his family together, so i understand why he wasn’t there, but she doesn’t. how do you explain to a 7 year old that her step mom was cracked out?
the wedding was nice, but she again was very high, so much so that his mom was ticked. her family was acting all affronted that i was there and making comments like crazy. i wasn’t there to make a scene, i was there for my friend and his wife. so my friends wife, pretty much told them all where to go before the ceremony. i also think that they were a bit miffed when his mom hugged me and told me that she loved and missed me. mind you he and i were never married. his mom and i have a great relationship and i think her family thought that we should hate each other on principle. well i’m sorry sometimes the world doesn’t work that way.
i know he was depressed about what is going on. we talked for a bit, and the melancholy in his voice, behind his eyes really got to me. i mean i know he misses chai, but there isn’t anything we can do about that with him being stationed where he is. but adding to that misery is the possibility of loosing his wife, who he loves so deeply. i think if they do end up not being together, he’s going to take it pretty hard, especially if she tries to take the kids. i say tries, because i don’t think he’ll let her take them, not to put them in a bad situation. it will be hard on him trying to raise 3 kids alone on a military base, but he has some good friends out there who’s wives would be willing to keep the kids when he is on duty. i just hope for the best with them. i have hope that she will go back home with him in a week, that she will be able to give up the temptation of the life she returned home to.
okay i will have to write more here in a bit…i have kiddos arriving, today is my busy day lol…. i have then all…and all day long 🙂 but i love every minute of it…
Sounds to me like he has a terrible time picking wives. I feel badly for Chai, no child should ever be put second to anything ever, for any reason. YOu are a lot more forgiving than I am 🙂
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