
not a whole lot going on around here this week… school work for me, but i love my class. cultural anthropology is so interesting, and for once there’s a book that doesn’t put me to sleep!  I am officially a psych student (as of the other day) and I don’t have to take another science class for the lab componet, they are counting the classes i’ve already taken at hocking where the labs were included in the class, and i don’t have to try and earn .67 credits of general psych lol…some how it transfered wrong or something, but my advisor says i don’t have to worry about it, and i have that in writing! so this major has me taking an additional semester for one class, but it’s the capstone class…which i have to take last anyway…so no big deal.. I’m so excited about this major, I’m actually looking forward to next semester even with the math class I have to take.

i also have a job, not that  it’s a hard one or anything, babysitting…but it’s something I can do while at home and it’s extra money coming in… it’s five days a week and i’m only charging the lady $10/day because it’s one of those special situations, where her dad doesn’t get her and the mom is going to jail…and the grandmother is raising her (the dad’s mom) i guess he sees her but doesn’t raise her…still an idiot in my book…but so yeah i’m looking forward to that too…i start friday!

Malachai will be excited about that because now 5 days a week during the summer she will have someone to play with…other than her friends who might come over. I don’t mind her friend Ally, she is a lovely little girl, and very quiet and polite (she does have a temper and attitude) but doesn’t really give it at our house..mainly to her parents lol…that’s normal… the next door neighbors on the other hand, those girls drive me crazy. I’ve tried being nice and letting them come down but then they try to talk Malachai into giving them toys because she has so many… and if she tells them no, they break things… we had to sew the trampoline net because they deliberatly ripped a small hole to make it bigger…took my dad like an hour to sew it… so i haven’t been letting them come over for the past few days and they keep asking…and of course the tell me "but we have nothing to do and mom says to come over here" not my problem right? i mean i don’t want to be the mom that always says no, but come on…at least have a bit of respect for other people belongings… plus Malachai’s bedtime is at 8pm on school nights…weekends i let her stay up a bit later, but on school nights it’s shower at 730, snack/tv time until bedtime, and sometimes we’ll read a book instead of tv… (she likes reading in the mornings before school) so these girls dont seem to have a bedtime…at 830 last night they were knocking on my door asking if malachai could come out and play… i’m thinking OMG… it’s dark out and they are allowed to be outside…with no supervision…. is it a bad thing that I’m wishing they would move….out of town….?  i know not the kids faults, but i’m at a loss for what to do….they are just rude kids… and i don’t want malachai to be influenced by them (she tends to have an attitude with me after playing with them)

so anyway… that’s about all that’s going on here… i did look into jobs with the VA for psychology… and if i had my degree today, I qualify for 10 jobs on this side of the country and 10 on the west coast and midwest areas… so hopefully when i get done i will be able to find one relativly close to where i am… i don’t want to move malachai from this area, but i will if i have too…the money is just way too good…plus its government benefits! but i’ll cross that bridge when i get there! 

well i’ve got to get these assignments done, and if i keep writing i’ll never get them finished tonight, which is my goal…

side note, i have fallen in love with an author… jonathan kellerman…absolutly love his alex delaware novels!  just got the new one the other day,but haven’t started it yet…

more later

<3 cole

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April 7, 2010

RYN: The masses have always been fascinated by famous or powerful people who go bad. Greek tragedy was based on this concept. The Tiger Woods nonsense was brought on by Woods’ arrogant attitude and image of purity. Joe Namath partied his way through his stellar football career, and while there were always photos of Joe smiling with some honeys on his arm, it was never a scandal. That’s because Namath was openly a party guy. We LOVE to “pop” a stuffed shirt, and Tiger was ripe for popping. Of course his dalliances have nothing to do with his golfing.