Little Tiny Jesus
I get my hair cut at a little redneck barber shop in a tiny town near here. A month ago while there I sat a Pegasus and a unicorn on her counter. They were tiny, as I have a recent obsession with tiny things and giving them away….brings me joy. I let her do it, but I think it must have made her or someone else uncomfortable because when I went back yesterday, it had a little tiny Jesus standing between them. Actually, it was adorable and I said so. So she gave me a little tiny Jesus. Apparently she ordered a bunch of them. So cute. Hey, whatever makes you comfortable. I love little tiny Jesus… a bit tacky, but Americana for sure. I need to take a photo of the 3 of them next time I am in her shop. Actually her shop cute. I may take photos of that and the town next time and post those too.
How is everyone doing? I’m all over the place, trying to figure out my life from here on out….Operation turning my husband into my partner isn’t going so well, so I’m going to change course and find a better way.
His sister is in the hospital, and I’m sending him out to Oregon to visit for a couple of days.
Namaste and Abbagooday
I just love little tiny Jesus! Makes me smile. I’m sorry to learn D’s sister is in the hospital. Hope she will be okay. What is the better way you want to find? Any thoughts or ideas on this?
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I love tiny Jesus !
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Hug! My youngest LOVES lil tiny people figures. OMG he has this immense collection of Lego people… every character they make and then some. Never try to turn anyone into anything else. Just work on you… they are their own renovation job. Too much hassle.
@snarkle of course you are right. That was badly worded for sure. But just working on me alone will be fun….feels selfish somehow….weird.
@snarkle I LOVE those little tiny Lego people! Cool that your youngest likes them.
@catholicchristian I highly suspect you were raised with the same parental mentality that my folks had “Everyone comes before you!” I was flat out told I was dead last in the list of who needs care. My daughter in law posted a cartoon on FB that hit me in the feels. The magical fairy blows “Self love” magic dust on the reader. Then she looks appalled and says how red their eyes are becoming. She looks more horrified at how hard they are coughing. Last panel says OMG It’s an allergen!” I related so hard to this! Self care is hard when you were raised to believe you didn’t deserve care at all. HUG I do understand.
@catholicchristian Oh my goodness! The entire top of his huge desk is crammed full of various characters. He has Sponge Bob characters, Harry Potter, Marvel, Star Wars, etc. I am unsure of all of them. We can say hundreds and not be too far off. LOL
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