with your halo slippin down to choke you now

I encountered some really interesting dreams today whilst napping. In one of them I was in a sort of “god’s eye” view of the universe in that I could interact with things on a much larger visual scale than just a human. Something ocurred in that I extinguished the Sun, I forget how, but I did. As I recall I also blew up a bunch of other extraneous planets and such. Minor details, my friend.

In any case, the Sun went bye-bye, and I could feel things getting colder right away. And it was so very sad. So fucking indescribably grave and absolutely sad – not because it was the end of me but because I had managed to kill a whole fucking solar system along with me, sad because of the waste. I knew the cold would kill, I knew the cold was the end. And then for some reason that I have since forgotten, my Dad was in the dream, just sitting down. I dont know how, exactly, being that it was the void of space. I seem to recall him sitting a table… in the middle of nothing. Just a giant version of my dad chilling at a table in the middle of the fucking emptiness of space. And he noticed the cold, too, which was an annoyance because he was currently trying to do something, and it would obviously be cut short. He talked about it as if it was a casual thing, an “Oh, I’ll have to miss the last period of the hockey game” tone, but we both knew the gravity behind the words was that the cold was death.

And then I recall thinking well OK this is just the Sun, I can move on to elsewhere, but in my omnipotent powers I had neglected to fashion a means of transport to a new star, so I was thinking “Now I can’t even go anywhere.” At which point I reverted to, well, if I’m going to die I might as well enjoy it, so somehow I managed to jump off something I had been holding onto? I dont know how that worked exactly, as I was in space and all, but the end result was that I was falling THROUGH space. I fell for awhile, through different plates of colours – polygons, I guess – until I reached a bottom, and it was a street with houses, except it wasn’t a world in the traditional sense of how we’d view it. It was, well, it looked like a bare 3d render of a street with houses, just the bare shape, no texture, no life, just the underlying shape of the universe. I think this 3d tangent came about as a result of my talking with Jacob today about 3d rendering.

As it was, this “bottom” floor of the universe complete with a street of houses came about in an odd way. I remember as I was in the dream thinking that, hey, this sucks, I won’t even get to see anything. The sun is gone, I killed it, and it’s getting cold and things aren’t gonna last much longer. And I didn’t like that my dream was being cut to an end, so I think I consciously modified it so that I was able to fall INTO something. I don’t know, it was really bizarre.

I had another dream as well. I don’t recall what it was, it was decidely more run of the mill – but still entertaining – as far as I recall.

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April 16, 2004


My dreams are never that elaborate. I only dream about floating bunnies, garbage cans and Nick impregnating a weird little naked girl.

What can I say, I get around. nick.