sleepless in studio

my housemates hadn’t seen me for four days. dom saw my girlfriend on campus and asked her if i was still alive. “oh, yes, certainly – in the studio.”

project completed. sleep taunted.

i’ve found some really wonderful websites today, just marvelous digital expression. (go to gallery
and click living spaces)

the audio tracks from aoineko are particularily grabbing. something i’d want to listen to while lost in a city after nightfall.

i went to the library yesterday intending to pick up one volume in particular. i walked out with about a dozen urban design and architectural volumes, plus a random book about amadeo souza cardoso that i found on a cart.

the descriptorium:
other literature 12 references here?

kind regards clear days and stormy nights,


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ryn: added.

October 11, 2005

I went to the arcade fire on friday nite and saw your friend jeff…at least I think he’s your friend. Young kid, with a white man’s fro. *shrugs*

October 14, 2005

indeed of course it’s all completely ridiculous

October 14, 2005

and i do actually want to meet you for you, aside from all this crazytalk.

October 14, 2005

Lit 12 was good times. Bagpipes, bloody coups and whatnots. Judson

October 15, 2005

ryn :: perhaps. thanks for your note in the fallen ones. have you been reading us for a while, or did you stumble onto us? just curious. come again. »rusalka//