let’s have a war; pump up the dow jones

Whereas previously I had been of the unwavering opinion that despite my hatred and disgust for the US government I did not let that opinion reflect on what I thought of the American people, I feel now that I must change approaches. The election results that have come in indicate that the American people accept and applaud the abhorrent actions that the US gov’t has undertaken worldwide, and therefore our collective disgust must shift to include the citizenry in general.

I realize that the very nature of the close results refers to a deeply split nation, a citizenry that does not universally accept the actions of their gov’t. This being said, the distinction is impossible to make. You cannot boycott or otherwise avoid economic interaction with only half the citizenry of a particular country. Unfortunately the half must be treated as the whole, in effect.

After being the first President to have a net loss of jobs, after being the President to turn a healthy surplus into the largest deficit, after being the President to unlawfully invade Iraq, after being the President that quashed international trade and ran roughshod over the people of this planet, and finally, after being the President that did nothing to prevent September 11th, he gets reelected.

November 2nd speaks volumes about the American people.

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November 3, 2004

Despite all reasonable logical thought, Bush had 3 things backing him up. The Bible voters, the Big Business voters, and the Redneck voters. Theres most of the US right there. On the other hand I was pleased to see all the “intelligent” states like New York and California all go for Kerry. I dont think thats a coincidence.

November 3, 2004

i don’t wish the iraquis any ill will i don’t honor bush for the dead iraquis I was stating my opinion and thoughts i didn’t say he was a hero…no politician is they are human

November 3, 2004

i wholeheartedly agree. i’ve been thinking about that for a while now. it is one thing to have no respect for the american government, and quite another to have no respect for the people. im sorry to say this country has crossed the line and lost whatever respect the world had left for it. its not a fun time to be living in the US. i’ve never been more grateful that i’m canadian

“Christian Imperialism”, as you so put it, is a media term used to slant and skew opinions. christian fundamentalism exists, but at a smaller rate than Islamist Fundamentalism, and, more often than not within the bounds of the law.

You Canadians also forget that the US is the country always bailing out the world. We bring down a tyrant/killer/genocidal maniac the likes of Hitler, and all the leftists want to coddle him. This war didn’t exist because we, the US caused it. This war exists because the US wasn’t following it’s own rules, and the same report which showed Iraq had no stockpiles of weapons showed the capability…

…to produce such weapons within a year from the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom; we are within that period now, and he would have used such capabilities to wreak havoc on the democratic process in the Middle East, Israel, and ethnic minorities in his country, not to mention the US. War does not prove who’s right, but who’s left… and I want to be left.

And Clinton allowed September 11th, by not taking any action when we were attacked several times during his administration, and when the Sudanese gov’t offered him bin Laden in 1997. Please, don’t get your information about my country from Michael Moore films and the media, which leans to the left. ~Joe

November 3, 2004

I have never been prouded to be a New Yorker. Even though I’m not old enough to vote, at least I know my state doesn’t suck. I think your second paragraph is interesting… And it actually wasn’t an unlawful invastion of Iraq, because he never technically delcared war, because he can’t do that without the Senate’s apporval.

RYN: Please forgive my assumption; it has been my experience that many people of the northern persuasion (and indeed, some of my own countrymen) get their information from Farenheit 9/11. I apologize for the patronization… however, please stop the “yelling” so we can debate the subject properly

However, I will respond to the question. Yes, it matters that thousands of Iraqi civilians died; such is the nature of warfare. But American lives matter more to me than other lives, and I will do what I have to to safeguard them.

As for other nations producing WMD, yes, they have. But other countries that have produced them do not have a gross history of hostility toward the West, and for other countries. Saddam had that history, and had proven that he’d use them in combat when he gassed his own people. That man remaining in power would have a drastic effect on the balance of power in the region and the world.

Furthermore, Canada does not have the place in the world that the US does; one of responsibility. When the Balkans were being terrorized and unbalanced by Milosevic, who came to the rescue? WE did. Who has the most secure economy in the world? WE do. Who gave the most financial support to Somalia when they were being starved to genocide? WE did. When Canada has that responsibility, let me know.

And the rest of the world DID consider him a threat, and so they levied sanctions against him, and monitored his use of military research and spending. When push came to shove, however, they were unwilling to stand by their own resolutions, because they were on the take from Iraq with the Oil for Food scandal. The world didn’t consider Hitler a threat either, until it was too late.

November 3, 2004

Who did he exclude or demonize?

November 3, 2004

By the way, I am dissapointed too in the American people, but don’t blame me, I voted for Kerry.

November 3, 2004

It was the goddamn “NASCAR belt” as my friends and I call it. Can’t blame everyone, I sure as hell wish he wasn’t elected. Or alive, for that matter.

November 3, 2004

puppetmaster21jc is a retard. you however, damn this entry makes you extra hot. just thought I’d share 🙂

November 3, 2004

i’m on it…i’m mailing ol’ Dubbya a baggie of pretzels

November 3, 2004

Some people are stubborn. Like all the people that voted republican just to do so. Eisenhower’s son wrote an article about why *he* was voting for Kerry and why being republican to him went from meaning fiscal responsibility to putting up w/an infant terrible. But there is prudence, and then there is discourtesy. Sitting back and waiting for the assassination,

November 4, 2004

well you’re right. (let it be known that i voted in WI a dem. state) The general citizen of America is undeniably idiotic. From an editorial in a campus newspaper today: “The American people voted for someone who is kind of an idiot because the average American is kind of an idiot.” I think this is a very well written article and I’ll leave the link just in case you care to read it.

November 4, 2004

www://www.dailycardinal.com/news/2004/11/04/Opinion/George.W.Bush.Wins.Mr.America.Pageant-792284.shtml hopefully that works

November 4, 2004

sorry, actually i don’t think that will get you there. but from http://www.dailycardinal.com scroll down to “opinions” and it’s titled “George W. Bush wins Mr. America pageant!” It’s a good one, in case you’re interested.

If you dont mind, I’d like to post this on my LJ.

ps. with you credited ofcourse:)

November 4, 2004

Yeah, Bush sucks. And I’m from Ohio. 🙁

November 4, 2004

id love to say something, but for the most part its all already been said. Im kinda dissapointed but at the same time, bush pulled that campaign off well, even you can admit that, apparently the public that ridiculed him so harshly loves him at teh same time, tho it is a very even split, and considering the difference in states won, kerry i think still came out on top. peace dude, l8er

November 5, 2004

I saw your note on another diary saying that we should asasinate Bush…you realize thats against the law right? and I am not just talking about actually doing it, suggesting it is illegal…

November 21, 2004

I have to agree on this, unless the election was stolen by means of fraud.

there is something wrong with the grand US of A. i can say this because i am one of the unfortunate and unlikely citizens who will spend the next 4 years battling through the indecisive legeslation, uninformed decisions, bad politics and red tape that comes with having Bush as president. i am proud to say that New York (my home town) and Washington (my home) both voted for Kerry.

however, i should probably point out that i would be almost as angry if we ended up with Kerry as president as i am that we got Bush. i wish Gore was running again. and i never thought i’d say that… what i’m most angry about is that America, “land of the enlightened,” chose Kerry over Edwards as democratic runner. gah. i am surrounded by idiots.

i am so going to canada when i’m 19 (party… yeah!). only problem is… i’m not sure if i’m gonna want to leave when i get there. i’m getting sick of america’s BS. and i have to live with it every day… what is it with america and drama? i swear, you’d think america was entirely populated by girls (no offense to any girls who read this, among whom i include myself).

i’m a poly sci major now. gotta face facts… america’s gonna need all the help they can get in the next 4 years.