diary of a madman

My last entry mentioned that I watched Requiem for a Dream this afternoon and it pretty much pissed in my cheerios. I figured it was still sunny out a bit so I would go and cheer myself up through nature.

I walked over to Dogpatch park, well, Victoria Park as its officially known. There was a couple near the ancient trees off near the back, laying with each other and enjoying the sun’s waning rays. Brought back memories of Taz and I – we spent a fair amount of time laying in that park looking at the sky.

They’ve since cut down a tree.

Now this couple did put a wrench in my plans admittedly. I had planned to lay down on the grass, maybe use the swings a bit, but I decided it was better to leave them with their park, seeing as they were making far better use of it than I. And I really couldn’t bring myself to sit there and do my own thing at their expense. Far better to leave them with their park pure.

Instead I took off my sandals and walked through the freshly cut grass, feeling it on my feet. I threw one sandal as far as I could and it landed in an explosion of grass clippings.

They must have thought me quite odd.

I mosied on over to Leigh school, crossing the gravel parking lot of Dogpatch hall sans sandals. That was interesting. There is a certain amount of strategy to walking on gravel. It’s nice to know I can still feel pain, too. The gravel sometimes sticks to the bottom of your foot, being that we’re pink and squishy and not-so-much-granite, and when you step onto the road with said gravel still stuck to your foot, interesting things occur. Like pain.

Just as I was crossing the road, however, two cars roared up and parked and out popped four people who went to play hacky sack in the paved parking lot of Leigh Elementary. That struck me as very odd, but once again, I moved on. Continued walking through the playground and around the school to the deserted back – the realm of the teacher’s parking lot.

There were only two cars left. They were identical minivans. I bet you can guess the exact way they look. That not-quite-purple, not-quite-maroon colour that Dodge loves so much.

I walked back to the park from there, that couple still laying there, damn them and their contentedness. As I was walking through I kept grabbing at stuff in the park, I just wanted to touch and feel everything, I couldn’t help myself. Pine needles pulled off a branch, leaves pulled off another branch… I grabbed onto an old rusty bolt on a post as I was walking away, just to see if it would cut me. Nope.

I’ve been such a basket-case as of late.

C block today I spent with Chanty, went to Quiznos and then sat in the grass by the portables.

After school whilst waiting for the bus I simply laid down on the grass and smiled. Of course the girls that happened to be around all found this very amusing and spent much time talking about it. One of them that actually shows some promise of being intelligent grabbed my Chem 12 lab book and started flipping through it, but evidently it scared her. Hell, it scares me.

You know the world’s fucked when all it takes to be rebellious is to lay down on the grass.

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heh You’re definately insane. But don’t take it the wrong way, sometimes I wish I was as insane as you are sometimes. Sometimes. =P nick.

hahaha. yes you definetly are a rebel without cause.. and requiem for a dream is high up in the rankings for mood killer.

April 29, 2004

Long live dogpatch. Reminds me of the tf run and that watered down mc dicks oj they give you for each lap. Good times, w00t northside. I hate layin in the grass for fear of bugs… linds

April 29, 2004

AH! great line. Andrew, wait, do I know you from somewhere? Sorry, I have a terrible time with names and faces. You probably already know that my name is John, or Johnny, or Jack. whichever you prefer. Anyway, thanks for droppin me a line. AP tests really do suck a lot. This one was just for high school, anyway, and it was way too easy.

you are quite odd. it amuses me greatly.

May 3, 2004

Requim for a Dream filled me with joy because it made me realize my life is not as fuked up as the characters in it. It also made me sick to my stomach. Diary of a Madman is a game, isnt it? About death and such?