crown of shit

OLD CARDINAL: Aren’t they out yet? Can’t they reach a decision on that paltry matter? Christopher Clavius ought to know his asronomy after all these years. I am informed that Mr. Galilei transfers mankind from the center of the universe to somewhere on the outskirts. Mr. Galilei is therefore an enemy of mankind and must be dealt with as such. Is it conceivable that God would trust this most precious fruit of His labour to a minor, frolicking star? Would He have sent His Son to such a place? How can there be people with such twisted minds that they believe what they’re told by the slave of a multiplication table?

FAT PRELATE (quietly to CARDINAL): The gentleman is over there.

OLD CARDINAL: So you are the man. You know my eyes are not what they were, but I can see you bear a striking resemblance to the man we burned. What was his name?

MONK: Your Eminence must avoid excitement the doctor said . . .

OLD CARDINAL (disregarding him): So you have degraded the earth despite the fact that you live by her and receive everything from her. I won’t have it! I won’t have it! I won’t be a nobody on an inconsequential star briefly twirling hither and thither. I tread the earth, and the earth is firm beneath my feet, and there is no motion to the earth, and the earth is the center of all things, and I am the center of the earth, and the eye of the Creator is upon me. About me revolve, affixed to their crystal shells, the lesser lights of the stars and the great light of the sun, created to give light upon me that God might see me–Man, God’s greatest effort, the center of creation. “In the image of God created He him.” Immortal . . . (His strength fails him and he catches for the MONK for support.)

MONK: You musn’t overtax your strength, Your Eminence.

At this moment the door at the rear opens and CHRISTOPHER CLAVIUS enters followed by his ASTRONOMERS. He strides hastily across the hall, looking neither to right nor left. As he goes by we hear him say–

CLAVIUS: He is right.

Deadly silence. All turn to GALILEO.

OLD CARDINAL: What is it? Have they reached a decision?

No one speaks.

MONK: It is time that Your Eminence went home.

The hall is emptying fast. One little MONK who had entered with CLAVIUS speaks to GALILEO.

LITTLE MONK: Mr. Galilei, I heard Father Clavius say: “Now it’s for the theologians to set the heavens right again.” You have won.

Bertolt Brecht’s Galileo

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February 1, 2005

yeah so i have a messenger thing that supports msn now so you should talk to me. its The Canada Girl. pretty easy to remember.

Ha! Take that, Old Cardinal! And Roman Catholic Church!

meh you believe in aliens?

February 4, 2005

well whats yours then ill add it to mine and see if that works. you gave an email to me before but it didnt work.

wasn’t going to comment. we all hold onto something dear that could be full of shit … so i can’t condemn the preist for it, and having the theologians set the heavens right again just seemed exceptionally poignant … so aliens. the bible doesnt’ prophecy them, really. i think it’s possible. given the scope of the universe. wooo … you konw tho?

blah blah blah ya, the letter was something like that i think about rasputin: all i know is he was the mad monk, he got the czars son to stop bleeding, and then somehow fukked up the kingdom

February 5, 2005

thats what i had and it claims you’re never on. oh well.

April 24, 2005

minor frolicking star. : ) i liked that part. i like your diary. your entry titles. just poking around, reading here and there. (i followed a note you left me last november about some or other criminal outrage of george bush)