Won’t be comin back&I didn’t get to say goodbye

Today has been such a long stressful day. I’m really just over it. I’m over it all.

Hung out with Jacob last night. Walked around for about an hour or so. He told me he finally got to see the ultrasound pictures of his baby to be. The light in his eyes and the smile on his face was so good to see. It’s so great to know how excited he is to be a daddy. My friends are all growing up… And I don’t feel like I’ve really matured much at all…

I don’t really know where my head is at right now. I’m thinking about everything all at once, and it’s making my head throb so bad… I don’t even want to move but at the same time I just want to walk. I want to walk for hours. Wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. At least this weekend is a three dayer. I can’t wait for that. Gonna be a nice little break. Not nearly long enough however.

I feel lost. I’m stumbling through life and tripping over the simplest and smallest of speed bumps. I’m falling and burning bridges as I go. Feeling the ground crumble beneath my feet. How long will it be before I finally slip through one of the cracks? Go off the deep end? I wonder how beautiful it will be.



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