Fuckin meh

 So open diary won’t let me write in my diary on my computer for some reason so my iPod is the best I’ve got so far.

This weekend has been good. Friday was fabulous with the family. Or as much of it as there could be her. 

Spent last night at John’s house. The night was great. I’ve missed him a lot. Though I woke up sick as fuck yesterday morning. So that put a damper on the evening there. It was still wonderful though. 

Mom picked me up today. I’ve been dying since last night and I only feel worse today. Everything hurts and I can barely even breathe right now. My medicine I took isn’t helping me and it’s pissing me off. I just want to not feel like crap. All I wanna do is sleep. I’m exhausted and I haven’t even done anything today to be honest. I didn’t even get in the shower until four in the afternoon. I don’t want to move from my bed…

Tomorrow is Monday and I am so not looking forward to it. I hate Mondays. But on a better note, Jessica got a different job so guess who is th teacher for real now? That’s right 🙂 



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