Don’t you dare say we can just be friends.

 Haven’t really… Felt like writing. Or doing much of anything lately.

Yesterday was good. I don’t even want to write about what happened. How badly I wanted to just break. It’s a memory that will belong to only me. And my best friend haha

Today. Today was nice. We went bowling for a field trip. It was so much fun. I took sooooo many pictures with the kids. More with little Joshua than anyone. I love that little boy. And he always comes up to me and goes "MISS CASEY I LOOOVE YOU!" It’s fuckin adorable. Tell me now how my tattoos define me?

Tomorrow mom has the day off. Meaning I get to do her job. In the kitchen that has been at one hundred seven degrees all day today. Yup. I’m going to die. Then we have swimming on top of that, so I just KNOW that I’m going to get burned.

This weekend John doesn’t have work Sunday. So hopefully I will be staying there Saturday night. Depending of course. Tori is gone for Florida. That’s going to fuck with me for a week and a half by the way. What am I going to do. I won’t have anyone to see and laugh and bitch with for a week and a half. She better have ears wide fuckin open when she gets home haha. Because I’m sure I’ll have a million stories to tell.

In other news. My stomach is in knots. It hurts. John said that someone called HIM asking for ME. Someone by the name of Joe. Now mind you. I only know two people named Joe. One is Megan’s ex boyfriend. The other? Is my ex boyfriend. Whom I do not talk to anymore. Period. For reasons I will keep to myself. I’m seriously freaked out about it. Like. How the fuck would either of them have John’s number. And mostly, why the fuck would either of them be calling me. John is pissed. And all I can remember right now is what would happen when some random number would call or text me when I was with Jc and we would just scream at each other… I don’t want to lose John. I am so fuckin scared. I don’t even know what to say to him… Because I don’t know why the fuck he got that call.

I’m so tired. So fucking tired. But I kind of want to just go out and walk around for a while. Let the humid summer air choke me. Maybe I will.



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